
Jul 9, 2024

The UK sets a path for clean, affordable energy—and renewed climate leadership

By Charles Hendry

The new UK administration, under Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is committed to clean energy and the energy transition. With experienced ministers stepping back into familiar roles, the new Labour government aims to hit the ground running to drive renewable energy, new nuclear technologies, and carbon capture initiatives, repositioning the UK as a leader in international climate change discussions.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

Jul 3, 2024

Caspian contributions to energy security in Europe

By John M. Roberts and Julian Bowden

This issue brief explores the potential for Caspian region fossil fuel developments to meet Europe’s energy needs, considering regional factors and challenges.

Central Asia Europe & Eurasia


Jun 14, 2024

Will the new Parliament change Europe’s course on energy security and climate?

By András Simonyi, Olga Khakova, Pau Ruiz Guix, Andrei Covatariu, and Elena Benaim

The recent European Parliament elections signal a shift in EU energy policy toward energy security and competitiveness. To ensure that climate remains on the agenda, European policymakers must deliver on existing commitments and deepen global climate cooperation.

Energy Transitions European Union


Jun 7, 2024

Reconstructing Ukraine at war: The journey to prosperity starts now

By John E. Herbst, Olga Khakova, Charles Lichfield

Rebuilding the Ukrainian economy after Russia’s full-scale invasion will be a monumental task. Reconstruction can’t wait for peace and must be a well-coordinated, inclusive process.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment


Apr 3, 2024

Central and Eastern Europe needs to rethink its approach to energy security

By Pawel Czyzak and Nolan Theisen

The upcoming Three Seas Initiative Summit is an opportune time for Central and Eastern European leaders to pivot toward clean, affordable, and local renewables to build energy security.

Central Asia Central Europe


Mar 20, 2024

Peacemaking through curbing Russian oil and gas exports

By Svitlana Romanko and Oleh Savytskyi

As Russia’s aggression in Ukraine continues, Western governments have available tools to limit the Kremlin’s war budget. They can do this by plugging the gaps in sanctions against Russian oil and gas exports—and severing a critical revenue stream supporting the Kremlin’s war machine.

China Economic Sanctions


Mar 14, 2024

Reducing Europe’s reliance on Russian energy imports: Key strategies under five scenarios

By Richard L. Morningstar, András Simonyi, Olga Khakova, Paddy Ryan

To better understand how the war’s conclusion—or lack thereof—will impact the options available to transatlantic policymakers, this report analyzes European security across five general scenarios—a Ukrainian victory, a negotiated settlement, a frozen conflict, a protracted conflict, and a Russian victory.

Europe & Eurasia Geopolitics & Energy Security

Global Energy Agenda

Feb 7, 2024

Energy security is global security

By Geoffrey R. Pyatt

The energy transition has been and will continue to be an important element in ensuring our long-term energy security. But for the energy transition to succeed, it must be just.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions

European Energy Security

Dec 7, 2023

Energy security as the foundation for Ukraine’s formula for peace

By German Galushchenko

Rebuilding Ukraine’s energy sector in line with the world’s best practices in sustainable development and decarbonization will help to finally break the grip of the fossil fuel dictatorship and strengthen the new energy model of the world.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions

Global Energy Agenda

Nov 30, 2023

Europe needs a Green Deal that can meet the moment

By Michał Kurtyka

Europe risks being left behind if it does not take swift action to ensure its energy future is “Made in Europe” where necessary, and “Made with Europe” where possible.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.