
Oct 7, 2022

Boom and bust: Can Algeria break the cycles of its past?

By Andrew G. Farrand

In dire straits just a year ago, Algeria’s leaders show a new swagger today that might suggest the country has turned a corner.

Middle East North Africa


Oct 7, 2022

The GCC in the global power cycle: The reform-security nexus

By Eleonora Ardemagni

On reforms and good governance, the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have little to worry about in the current global power cycle, which is shaping an order definitely less Western-centred, and more Eastern-oriented, if compared with the 2010s. National economic goals, rather than foreign policy alliances, traditionally drive top-down reforms in GCC states, including  those with an impact on social and individual freedoms.

Middle East North Africa

Event Recap

Sep 28, 2022

Challenges in North Africa: New Pathways for International Diplomacy?

By Madeline Hart

On September 14, the Atlantic Council’s North Africa Program and the US Embassy in Italy hosted an event with experts on the field to discuss the potential for Italy to become a mediating power in the Mediterranean.

Middle East North Africa


Sep 26, 2022

Amman-Baghdad-Cairo (ABC) Agreement: A new path for economic integration

By Racha Helwa, Barik Schuber, and Ibrahim Saif

Since 2019, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan have held multiple summit meetings to discuss trilateral agreements to formalize and deepen economic integration. By cooperating among themselves, the three countries can represent a united political and economic front. This report explores the potential benefits and pitfalls to avoid from the perspective of each country: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq.

Economy & Business Inclusive Growth


Aug 29, 2022

North Africa’s transatlantic relations amid change and continuity

By Karim Mezran, Roberto Menotti, Alessia Melcangi, Emadeddin Badi and Alissa Pavia

The purpose of this report is to identify a potential role for Italy and its diplomacy to play in North Africa, in full agreement and collaboration with the United States and the other main European actors.

Italy Libya

In-Depth Research & Reports

Jul 12, 2022

Shifting priorities: The US and the Middle East in a multipolar world

By Jonathan Panikoff

Middle Eastern leaders view the bipartisan progression of US disengagement across the region as an abandonment of its allies and security commitments. However, in Washington’s view, deprioritizing the Middle East is not the same as declining to prioritize it.

Democratic Transitions Middle East

In-Depth Research & Reports

Jul 12, 2022

Evolving MENA power balances: What is next for US engagement in the region?

By Karim Mezran, Valeria Talbot, Jonathan Panikoff, Sanam Vakil, Maha Yahya, Mark N. Katz, Gangzheng She, and Julien Barnes-Dacey

US President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s upcoming visit to the Middle East provides an opportunity to assess what role the United States will play in the Middle East and North Africa in the future. With the war in Ukraine further diverting US attention from the region, the big question is whether the region is entering a ‘post-US’ era.

Energy & Environment Middle East

In-Depth Research & Reports

Jul 12, 2022

Washington and the Gulf: A new opportunity to engage differently

By Sanam Vakil

Rather than unequivocally supporting the West’s position on the war in Ukraine, Gulf monarchies have hedged, revealing their deep frustration with Washington and their profound concern over Iran’s aggressive regional posture.

Middle East North Africa

China-MENA Podcast

Jun 16, 2022

Chinese Tech in North Africa

By Atlantic Council

Tin Hinane joins us to discuss Chinese Tech in North Africa, China’s attempt to dominate the digital space in North Africa via tech giants such as Huawei and Alibaba, and the Digital Silk Road.

China Digital Policy


Mar 16, 2022

Great power projection in the Middle East: The China-Russia relationship as a force multiplier

By Jonathan Fulton and Li-Chen Sim

The conflict is also likely to provide states in the MENA region, especially oil producing states, with greater leverage over the US and Western allies. The US designation of Qatar as a major non-NATO ally in January 2022 could be seen from this perspective

China Economy & Business