Dr. Emma Ashford and Dr. Mathew Burrows’ “Reality Check #4: Focus on interests, not on human rights with Russia” misses the mark. Their article is premised on a false assumption that human rights and national interests are wholly separate and that US policy toward Russia was and remains driven by human rights concerns principally. In fact, previous administrations and the current one have sought to integrate our values and other national interests.

We the undersigned disagree with its arguments and values and we disassociate ourselves from the report.

Dr. Anders Åslund
Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Anton Barbashin
Nonresident Research Fellow
Eurasia Center

Dr. Ariel Cohen
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Andrew D’Anieri
Program Assistant
Eurasia Center  

Vladislav Davidzon
Nonresident Fellow
Eurasia Center

Peter Dickinson

Diane Francis
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Amb. Daniel Fried
Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow
Atlantic Council

Dr. Agnia Grigas
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Melinda Haring
Deputy Director
Eurasia Center 

Amb. John E. Herbst
Eurasia Center

Adrian Hoefer
Program Assistant
Eurasia Center

Doug Klain
Program Assistant
Eurasia Center

Shelby Magid
Associate Director
Eurasia Center

Dylan Myles-Primakoff
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Amb. Oleh Shamshur
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Mark D. Simakovsky
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

John Sipher
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Dr. Maria Snegovaya
Nonresident Fellow
Eurasia Center

Noah Tucker
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

Amb. Alexander Vershbow
Distinguished Fellow
Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security

Brian Whitmore
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Eurasia Center

The Eurasia Center’s mission is to promote policies that strengthen stability, democratic values, and prosperity in Eurasia, from Eastern Europe in the West to the Caucasus, Russia, and Central Asia in the East.

Related Experts: Anders Åslund, Ariel Cohen, Vladislav Davidzon, Diane Francis, Daniel Fried, John E. Herbst, Melinda Haring, Shelby Magid, Dylan Myles-Primakoff, Oleh Shamshur, Mark D. Simakovsky, Maria Snegovaya, Alexander Vershbow, Brian Whitmore, Peter Dickinson, Anton Barbashin, and John Sipher