
New Atlanticist

Apr 20, 2023

Tackling food insecurity in Africa will require securing women’s rights. Here are two ways to start.

By James Storen

Policymakers should equalize inheritance rights and support women's entrepreneurship as ways to enhance food security.

East Africa North & West Africa

New Atlanticist

Apr 5, 2023

David Malpass on China’s role in the World Bank and how to prevent a ‘lost decade for growth’

By Katherine Walla

The president of the World Bank, speaking at the Atlantic Council as he prepares to hand over the reins to his successor, has one big worry about the global economy: a “reversal in development.” 

Digital Currencies Economy & Business

New Atlanticist

Apr 4, 2023

Five ways the World Bank can redefine its role in the global economy

By Nicole Goldin, Mrugank Bhusari

With a new president on the horizon and an appetite for reform in the US and beyond, the World Bank is ready for change. It can start by focusing on these five policy priorities.

Economy & Business Fiscal and Structural Reform


Apr 3, 2023

The Islamic Republic is waging a war on women journalists. The international community needs to step up.  

By Britt Gronemeyer

While the international community has spoken out in support of the Women, Life, Freedom revolution, they have done little to protect the women journalists at the heart of this movement. 

Human Rights Iran

New Atlanticist

Mar 29, 2023

What policymakers should know about improving gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean

By Atlantic Council experts

Narrowing the gender gap is pivotal for charting a more prosperous future for the region. Five experts on the region provide their ideas for doing so.

Americas Caribbean


Mar 24, 2023

Black Iraqis have been invisible for a long time. Their vibrant culture and struggle must be recognized.

By Sarah Zaaimi

Black Iraqis are not only living on the geographical margins of urban agglomerations but also on the margins of society and its structures.

Iraq Middle East


Mar 21, 2023

An imperative for women’s political leadership: Lessons from Brazil

By Valentina Sader, Isabel Bernhard

Women are essential to democracy, yet face systematic barriers to political entry and impact. Using the case of Brazil, we analyze the state of women’s political participation and of political violence against women. We propose timely, actionable approaches to reduce women’s unique political challenges and to further strengthen democratic health.

Americas Brazil


Mar 17, 2023

Turkey and Syria’s devastating earthquakes send a reminder to the world: Don’t leave Syrians behind

By Pınar Dost

The disastrous earthquakes have brought the forgotten fate of Syrians and of Syria to the forefront of the US agenda in the region. They must not be forgotten again.

Conflict Migration


Mar 16, 2023

I was once denied an education in Iraq. This is why the Taliban’s prohibition on female education matters.

By Nibras Basitkey

As an Iraqi refugee who understands the importance of education, I recognize that achieving gender parity in education is critical for Afghanistan’s long-term economic growth and prosperity.

Afghanistan Education


Mar 13, 2023

The US has gotten the day to day right in Africa policy. Time to think bigger.

By Aubrey Hruby

The Biden administration’s commitment to high-level engagement with African leaders is welcome, but its recent US-Africa Leaders summit should have been a launch pad for big, bold ideas.

Africa English