One of President Joe Biden’s signature campaign promises was that he would return the United States to the world stage and support those striving for democracy around the world. Now entering its sixth month of mass demonstrations for self-determination, Belarus may be the place that most urgently needs this support. While the United States and the European Union have sanctioned the authoritarian Lukashenka regime and declared that Lukashenka is not the true winner of the 2020 Belarus presidential election, the Biden administration will need to develop long-term policies for addressing the situation in Belarus. In the new report “Biden and Belarus: A strategy for the new administration,” a group of experienced diplomats and experts lay out a comprehensive approach that the Biden administration can use to hit the ground running after taking office.

Authors Dr. Anders Åslund, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, Melinda Haring, deputy director at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, Ambassador John Herbst, director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, and Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, join to present their key findings and ideas for the Biden administration. They are joined by Valery Kavaleuski, foreign affairs adviser to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, to discuss the report. The event will be moderated by Hanna Liubakova, Eurasia Center nonresident fellow and Tsikhanouskaya adviser.

Issue Brief

Jan 27, 2021

Biden and Belarus: A strategy for the new administration

By Anders Åslund, Melinda Haring, John E. Herbst, Alexander Vershbow

Joe Biden has an historic opportunity to bring Europe together and reverse the tide of dictatorship by building an international coalition to support democracy in Belarus. This strategy lays out key recommendations for the Biden administration as it prepares its policy toward Belarus.

Belarus Democratic Transitions

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The Eurasia Center’s mission is to promote policies that strengthen stability, democratic values, and prosperity in Eurasia, from Eastern Europe in the West to the Caucasus, Russia, and Central Asia in the East.