On May 2, the Transatlantic Security Initiative hosted a private roundtable with Henning Vaglum, director general for security policy at the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defense. The session featured keynote remarks by Mr. Vaglum, followed by a moderated conversation led by TSI director Chris Skaluba.
Russia’s increased activity in the Arctic and North Atlantic is causing serious concern to Allies, including Norway. Given Norway’s strategic position, the country has taken numerous steps in recent years not only to improve its own defensive posture, including investments in the F-35 fighter and Type 212 submarine, but also to enable Allies like the United States to rapidly deploy reinforcements to the region.
As director general for security policy, Mr. Vaglum is responsible for the development of Norway’s national security concept as well as policy regarding bilateral, regional, and international security cooperation. The Department for Security Policy is also responsible for organizing, leading, and coordinating the Ministry’s crisis and incident management operations.