
In the News

Mar 24, 2024

Vinograd on CBS “Face the Nation” about the recent ISIS terrorist attack in Moscow, US border security, and more

Samantha Vinograd speaks about increasing resources for vetting architecture and intelligence sharing to improve national security.

Defense Policy Intelligence

In the News

Mar 20, 2024

Eftimiades on NucleCast by ANWA Deterrence Center

By Atlantic Council

Eftimiades was interviewed on NucleCast by ANWA Deterrence Center, where he discussed  China's whole of society approach to espionage and the methods that they use to implement this approach.

China Intelligence

In the News

Mar 18, 2024

Polymeropoulos cited on RawStory about concerns of Trump politicizing intelligence

Marc Polymeropoulos notes that there will be negative effects for allies' information sharing if Trump continues to politicize intelligence.

Europe & Eurasia Intelligence

New Atlanticist

Mar 13, 2024

Will the US crack down on TikTok? Six questions (and expert answers) about the bill in Congress.

By Atlantic Council experts

The US House has just passed a bill to force the Chinese company ByteDance to either divest from TikTok or face a ban in the United States.

China Cybersecurity

In the News

Mar 4, 2024

Eftimiades on Think JSOU on the China’s espionage methodology

Nicholas Eftimiades discusses the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

China Intelligence

In the News

Jan 31, 2024

Eftimiades in iNews on Chinese espionage

Nicholas Eftimiades discusses the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

China Intelligence

In the News

Jan 23, 2024

Dean quoted in the Australian Financial Review on protecting AUKUS technology

On January 22, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Peter Dean was quoted in an Australian Financial Review article, where he explained that Australian private sector security arrangements are insufficient to protect sensitive AUKUS technology.

Australia China

In the News

Jan 22, 2024

Eftimiades in SpyTalk on Chinese soldier training with US contractors

Nicholas Eftimiades discusses the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

China Intelligence

In the News

Jan 17, 2024

Gericke featured on episode of NucleCast podcast

On January 16, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Brad Gericke spoke on an episode of NucleCast, a podcast produced by the Advanced Nuclear Weapons Alliance Deterrence Center. He discussed the situation leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the perspective of the intelligence community during this time. 

Conflict Intelligence

New Atlanticist

Jan 13, 2024

The sentencing of a US Navy sailor is a window into Chinese espionage. Here’s how the US should respond.

By Andrew Brown

China’s intelligence services recognize that national security information does not have to be classified to provide them with value.

China Cybersecurity
