Global Energy Agenda

Nov 30, 2023

The 2024 Global Energy Agenda

By Landon Derentz, Christine Suh, Paul Kielstra (Editors)

The fourth edition of the Global Energy Agenda kicks off with a collection of essays by energy leaders that are rolling out during COP28. Rounding out the Agenda in early 2024, the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center will release the results of its annual survey of experts that takes the pulse on the geopolitical risks affecting energy markets, the future of fossil fuels, and the transition to clean energy.

Energy & Environment Geopolitics & Energy Security


Oct 16, 2023

Policy Memo: How to deepen transatlantic energy and climate cooperation at the US-EU summit

By George Frampton, Olga Khakova, Joseph Webster, Paddy Ryan, Maia Sparkman, William Tobin

With the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel visiting Washington on October 20, 2023, all eyes will be on the Rose Garden to see how the US and EU can chart a course on energy security and climate action.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance


Oct 11, 2023

A Ukrainian energy hub will help Europe’s clean transition

By Mark Temnycky

Ukraine can become an energy and minerals hub for European. Investing in Ukraine’s renewable energy industry is vital for European decarbonization.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions


Oct 10, 2023

The case for investing in Ukraine’s energy future

By Mark Temnycky

Despite uncertainty over when the war will end and corruption in Ukraine, international investors should see Ukraine’s energy reconstruction as an opportunity to create a European energy leader.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions


Sep 18, 2023

Moldova has the chance to break from its Gazprom-dominated past

By Jamal Nusseibeh and Branko Terzic

Moldova has the opportunity to make good use of the lessons of its past by strengthening regulatory independence, increasing competition, and introducing transparent pricing.

Eastern Europe Energy & Environment


Sep 14, 2023

What to do about Russia’s energy trojan horse

By Olga Khakova, Charles Lichfield

The future of Gazprom’s piped deliveries to Europe looks bleak. However, Europe has no binding timeline for phasing out Russia’s growing LNG exports. Reducing these import will be critical to bringing Ukraine closer to victory and for securing Europe’s energy system.

Economic Sanctions Economy & Business
Old Town Bucharest


Aug 31, 2023

A Three Seas Chamber of Commerce could enhance energy diversification across Central and Eastern Europe

By Olga Khakova, Paddy Ryan, and Bailee Mathews

The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Summit in Bucharest takes place next week. To catalyze investment and diversify away from Russian energy, the summit should establish a Three Seas Chamber of Commerce, capable of sustaining progress and unleashing the region’s full potential.

Central Europe Eastern Europe
Protesters in Germany hold a sign reading "Save the energy transition! Sun and wind instead of fracking, coal and nuclear!"


Aug 9, 2023

The IRA challenges the European climate model

By Friedbert Pflüger

Europeans are starting to realize their leadership in the energy transition is not as secure as previously believed. They are seeing the profound competition posed by the IRA—and the economic forces it unleashes.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

Aug 2, 2023

Transforming Ukraine into a European energy hub

By Richard L. Morningstar, András Simonyi, Olga Khakova, Paddy Ryan

In this issue brief, Global Energy Center experts explore the potential for Ukraine’s energy sector to strengthen European energy security and decarbonization objectives. The brief explores how Ukraine can reform its energy sector to attract investment and create new revenue streams, and how transatlantic partners in government and the private sector can support Ukraine’s clean energy transformation.

Eastern Europe Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

Apr 6, 2023

Accelerating the energy transition to strengthen European energy security: Key barriers to overcome

By Richard L. Morningstar, András Simonyi, Olga Khakova, Paddy Ryan

The role of decarbonization in European energy security, the obstacles impeding clean energy development, and the opportunities for transatlantic collaboration towards low-carbon energy security.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.