The 2024 Global Energy Agenda
The energy landscape of 2023 faced great challenges from a series of geopolitical and economic stressors, not the least of which are a sustained conflict in Ukraine, growing instability in the Middle East, and persistent inflation. Yet, the transition to clean energy notched significant gains, including historic new investments in renewables.
The urgency for leaders to shore up access to affordable and reliable energy, while taking bold action toward climate mitigation is greater than ever in 2024. The first-ever global stocktake—an inventory of the world’s progress toward emissions reductions—occurred this fall at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28), confirming that efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees C are falling short of aspirations agreed upon at COP21 in Paris. Even if countries follow through on their Paris pledges, the world would face 2.5 to 2.9 degrees C of warming this century.
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In response to this enormous challenge, global leaders must implement nothing short of equally monumental solutions. Through this compilation of essays, as part of the Atlantic Council’s fourth edition of the Global Energy Agenda, finance experts, corporate leaders, and government officials provide their perspectives on how the world can rise to the occasion. Together with these essays, our in-depth analysis of views from the energy community will set the agenda for the world to achieve net-zero emissions and an energy-secure future for all.
Landon Derentz is senior director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center; Christine Suh is the managing editor for the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center; and Paul Kielstra is a freelance editor, analyst, and writer based outside of London.
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Image: Aerial drone video of oil storage silos and solar panels coexisting (Credit: Make more aerials, Shutterstock)
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