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New Atlanticist

Aug 23, 2024

To understand NATO’s future, take stock of its centuries-long history

By Ira Straus

The bonds on which the Alliance was founded stretch back much further than 1949, and they keep the transatlantic relationship strong today.

Europe & Eurasia NATO

New Atlanticist

Aug 22, 2024

Thirty-five years later, the Baltic Way still inspires the fight for freedom

By Inga Samoškaitė

Two million people from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia joined hands on August 23, 1989. Their stand for freedom and against Soviet repression is echoed in Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression today.

Democratic Transitions Europe & Eurasia

New Atlanticist

Aug 19, 2024

NATO wants to be a leader on climate security. Here are the next steps to get there.

By Heidi Hardt and Jacqueline Burns

To adapt to the impacts of climate change on global security, NATO must improve how it incorporates climate security into its training and operational planning.

Climate Change & Climate Action Defense Policy

New Atlanticist

Aug 13, 2024

NATO must recognize the potential of open-source intelligence

By AM Sir Christopher Harper, KBE, RAF (Ret.), Robert Bassett Cross MC

By taking steps to use OSINT more effectively, NATO can preempt, deter, and defeat its adversaries’ efforts to expand their influence and undermine the security of member states.

Artificial Intelligence Disinformation

New Atlanticist

Aug 7, 2024

How NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners can work together in an era of strategic competition

By Gorana Grgić

Amid rising threats from Russia and China, it is in the interest of both NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners to deepen their cooperation.

Conflict Crisis Management

New Atlanticist

Jul 30, 2024

To deter Russia, NATO must adapt its nuclear sharing program

By Michael John Williams

Russian President Vladimir Putin has time and again played the United States and its European allies, believing that they are too scared of the long shadow cast by nuclear weapons to push back against his threats.

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia

New Atlanticist

Jul 24, 2024

The Women, Peace, and Security agenda made important strides at NATO’s Washington summit

By Sarah Dawn Petrin

The Washington summit saw important women, peace, and security commitments, but NATO can do more to support female soldiers and civilians.

Defense Policy Human Rights

New Atlanticist

Jul 19, 2024

How to institutionalize NATO’s cooperation with its closest Pacific partners

By Ira Straus, Francis Shin

NATO and its IP4 partners—Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea—should establish an Atlantic-Pacific Partnership Forum (APPF) to advance their cooperation.

Australia Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by CNBC on the the Washington Summit Declaration

On July 10, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by CNBC on the implications of the Washington Summit declaration.

Security & Defense

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by Euronews Serbia on the bridge to NATO and the Washington Summit

On July 9, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by Euronews Serbia on the expectations for Ukraine at the Washington NATO Summit (source in Serbian).

Security & Defense