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In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by CNBC on the the Washington Summit Declaration

On July 10, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by CNBC on the implications of the Washington Summit declaration.

Security & Defense

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by Euronews Serbia on the bridge to NATO and the Washington Summit

On July 9, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by Euronews Serbia on the expectations for Ukraine at the Washington NATO Summit (source in Serbian).

Security & Defense

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by N1 Serbia on the expectations for the Washington NATO Summit

On July 9, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by N1 Serbia, CNN exclusive news channel affiliate, on the expectations for the Washington NATO Summit and whether Western Balkans will feature on the Summit agenda (source in Serbian).

Security & Defense

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Ignac interviewed by N1 Croatia on the agenda for the Washington NATO Summit

On July 7, Transatlantic Security Initiative assistant director Luka Ignac was interviewed by N1 Croatia, CNN exclusive news channel affiliate, on the themes on the agenda of the Washington NATO Summit and how US presidential elections is affecting the summit (source in Croatian).

Security & Defense

In the News

May 9, 2024

Braw in CBC on Russia’s shadow fleet

By Elisabeth Braw

On May 9, Transatlantic Security Initiative senior fellow Elisabeth Braw was quoted in CBC on the Russian shadow fleet and its effect in circumventing the sanctions.   

Economic Sanctions Europe & Eurasia

In the News

May 8, 2024

Zeneli featured in The National Interest on Italy’s G7 presidency

By Valbona Zeneli

On May 8, Transatlantic Security Initiative non-resident senior fellow Valbona Zeneli wrote an article in The National Interest discussing Italy’s G7 presidency and the future of the Mediterranean region.   

International Organizations Southern & Southeastern Europe

In the News

May 4, 2024

Braw interviewed on Nový svět

By Elisabeth Braw

On May 4, Transatlantic Security Initiative senior fellow Elisabeth Braw was interviewed on Nový svět about her latest book.   

International Markets Politics & Diplomacy

In the News

May 3, 2024

Braw featured in the Double Trouble podcast

By Elisabeth Braw

On May 3, Transatlantic Security Initiative senior fellow Elisabeth Braw was featured on The Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s podcast series Double Trouble discussing globalization and her latest book.   

Economy & Business Politics & Diplomacy

In the News

Apr 9, 2024

Beniamino Irdi in Informazioni della Difesa on Cross-Strait relations in the aftermath of the Taiwanese election

By Beniamino Irdi

This article was originally published in Italian by Informazioni della Difesa. An English translation of the article is included below. A Misplaced Relief Prophecies of a spike in tensions between China and Taiwan in the aftermath of the January 13th presidential election were belied and replaced by an equally misplaced relief. The predictable victory of […]

Elections Indo-Pacific

In the News

Mar 28, 2024

Straus interviewed by IQ on NATO’s anniversary

By Ira Straus

On March 28, Transatlantic Security Initiative senior advisor Ira Straus was interviewed by IQ on the upcoming NATO anniversary and the strength of the transatlantic bond (source in Lithuanian).   

Europe & Eurasia NATO