
SyriaSource followed the dynamics in Syria through in-depth analysis of the impact of the conflict on Syria, its neighbors and the international community. Amplifying a diverse range of Syrian and regional voices—to reach both English—and Arabic-speaking audiences, SyriaSource transforms their words from strong but distant ideas to resounding perspectives not often heard among Washington and international policymakers. For the latest work on Syria, please visit MENASource.

The latest on Syria


Jul 25, 2024

Syrian elections are decided before election day

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

While the polls were held on July 15, the elections were effectively over at the end of the primaries.

Corruption Elections


Jul 24, 2024

Ten years on, Yezidi cases expose a lack of corporate accountability in US genocide law

By Charles Johnson

The Genocide Accountability Act remains poorly equipped to handle cases of genocide in general, let alone to prosecute corporations specifically.

Conflict Human Rights


Jul 10, 2024

Syria’s inflated electorate is caused by phantom voters

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

The confusion over the true size of the electorate will certainly not be resolved in these elections.

Civil Society Conflict


Jun 24, 2024

The Syrian electoral system guarantees inequality

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

The framework of the block vote is so advantageous to the Baath Party that opposition parties would not stand a chance to win a significant number of seats.

Democratic Transitions Elections


Jun 18, 2024

From rebel factions to an army: Efforts to tame the Syrian National Army

By Levent Kemal

The ultimate goal of reforming the SNA is to create space for a self-sufficient political actor that organizes public policies.

Conflict Europe & Eurasia


Jun 4, 2024

Economic recovery in opposition-held Syria is challenging but still possible

By Sinan Hatahet

The United States and its allies can foster an early recovery in opposition-held areas without undermining the UN-led political resolution efforts.

Conflict Middle East


May 10, 2024

The United States should look to Turkey as a regional balancing actor against Iran

By Doga Unlu

US President Joe Biden has a diplomatic opportunity to strengthen an old partnership and position Turkey as a regional bulwark to encourage a more balanced Iran.

Conflict Europe & Eurasia


May 9, 2024

Syria holds the key to improved US-Turkey ties

By Ömer Özkizilcik

It is crucial that the United States and Turkey overcome their differences because the governments need to strengthen their alliance—especially as it concerns Syria. 

Conflict Europe & Eurasia


Apr 25, 2024

The Syrian parliamentary elections are coming up. Should anyone care?

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

The polls will be held again against a backdrop of massive displacement, unresolved conflict, partial occupation, and an intransigent regime.

Conflict Elections


Mar 8, 2024

Journalist Arwa Damon on conflict reporting: ‘You will leave a part of yourself behind’

By Holly Dagres

The multi-award-winning journalist was interviewed by our MENASource editor to discuss her recent projects, mental health in journalism, and the importance of effective storytelling.

Human Rights Middle East



Oct 18, 2019

Turkey’s “pause” in Syria: Will the US tourniquet stop the bleeding?

By Frederic C. Hof

Time will tell whether the United States can take advantage of a pause in Turkish military operations to broker a diplomatic solution to the Northeast Syria crisis.

Politics & Diplomacy Syria


Oct 15, 2019

Syria: Is anything salvageable?

By Frederic C. Hof

The importance of Syria to the West generally and to the United States specifically dictates that something of value be salvaged from the wreckage. Facilitating the resurrection of ISIS and the restoration of a terrorism-abetting Assad regime to all of Syria should be unthinkable.

Middle East Politics & Diplomacy

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Oct 3, 2019

In solidarity with Sudan: Syria’s graffiti movement

By Rana Riziq

Within this project, local volunteers planned and organized graffiti murals, based off of London artist and social commentator Banksy, reflecting on current events while tying in the Syrian conflict.

Civil Society Resilience & Society


Sep 20, 2019

Samantha Power’s uneasy legacy on Syria

By Frederic C. Hof

It is the memoir of someone who is anything but a time server; someone who truly cares about things and who has tried—often successfully—to make a difference for the better.

Politics & Diplomacy Syria


Sep 12, 2019

War and art: The graffiti movement in Syria

By Rana Riziq

A local Syrian civil society organization, Kesh Malek, is focused on supplying humanitarian aid and services to Syrians throughout Syria. One of its successful media campaigns this year is the Syria Banksy project.

Civil Society Syria


Aug 5, 2019

The evolution of Syrian revolutionary art

By Natasha Hall

Perhaps, it is unsurprising then, that political posters and street art became so ubiquitous in the Syrian Revolution. The regimes of the Middle East knew the political potential for art. For this reason, it has always been closely monitored.



Aug 1, 2019

Why is the US clashing with the Dutch over Syria?

By Grace Wermenbol

As the women’s national soccer teams battled it out for the World Cup title in early July, another clash was taking place in the political realm between the Americans and the Dutch over the latter’s military contribution in Syria.



Aug 1, 2019

Syrians at the Turkish border: humiliation, torture, and death

By Tesbih Habbal

Yet the journey is fraught with danger that doesn’t end at the border. If anything, the border itself is the most dangerous part of the journey with Turkish border guards known as “Jandarma,” who frequently capture, beat, and steal from Syrian refugees only to send them back into Syria.



Jul 17, 2019

Getting out – again?

By Frederic C. Hof

Will allies and partners be certain of American steadfastness? Can American officials genuinely claim to know the commander-in-chief’s intent? President Trump may not wish to make Iran’s day by gifting northeastern Syria to it, Russia, and the Assad regime.



Jul 11, 2019

The conflict has torn apart Syrian tribes, but they remain an important player

By Khalifa al-Khuder

Despite the lack of focus on the Syrian Arab tribes’ social and political roles, they continue to be an important player between the conflicting parties in Syria, especially the Euphrates region and in northern Syria.
