
The very top of the US Capitol building is visible with a pink sunset in the background and a US flag on a flagpole to the side.


May 23, 2024

Pepe Zhang provides testimony to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

By Pepe Zhang

Senior Fellow Pepe Zhang gave testimony in a hearing on key economic strategies for leveling the US-China playing field in trade, investment, and technology.

China Financial Regulation


May 23, 2024

Sarah Bauerle Danzman provides written testimony before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on outbound investment from the United States to China

By Sarah Bauerle Danzman

GeoEconomics Center Senior Fellow Sarah Bauerle Danzman testifies on the scale of US outbound investment flows to China and recommendations on how the United States should regulate certain types of investment going forward.

China Economic Sanctions


May 16, 2024

A bold policy to protect the US by helping Ukraine stop Russian aggression

By John E. Herbst

Ambassador John Herbst, senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, testifies before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe hearing on “Closing the skies, liberating Ukraine.” Video from the hearings and other testimonies can be found below. Below is the oral argument presented by Ambassador John Herbst. The greatest national security challenge facing […]

Conflict Defense Policy


Apr 19, 2024

China’s Strategic Objectives in the Middle East

By Jonathan Fulton

Jonathan Fulton, nonresident senior fellow for Atlantic Council’s Middle East Programs and the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative, testifies before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing on “China and the Middle East.” Video from the hearings and other testimonies can be found below. Below are his prepared remarks. The Middle East – North […]

China Economy & Business
United States Capitol on a cloudy day


Feb 16, 2024

Carole House testifies to the House Financial Service Committee on approaches to combat crypto crime and illicit activity

By Carole House

Non Resident Senior Fellow Carole House provided testimony to the House Financial Services Committee on crypto crime on February 15, 2024.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy


Jan 22, 2024

Gissou Nia testifies to House Committee on Homeland Security, and subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement & Intelligence

By Gissou Nia

Gissou Nia highlights the issue of addressing transnational repression threats to homeland security.

Defense Policy International Norms


Nov 30, 2023

Alissa Pavia testifies to Canada’s Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights

By Alissa Pavia

Alissa Pavia highlights the issue of major refugee and migration flows affecting the Middle East and North Africa region.

Human Rights Middle East
The very top of the US Capitol building is visible with a pink sunset in the background and a US flag on a flagpole to the side.


Oct 25, 2023

The urgent threats posed by the Iranian regime: Atlantic Council experts testify before the US House Committee on Homeland Security

By Nathan Sales and Thomas S. Warrick

Nathan Sales and Thomas Warrick testify before the House Committee on Homeland Security on the threat Iran poses to the United States.

Iran Israel


Sep 15, 2023

Planning around strategic supply chains will require more than just ‘listing’ of critical minerals

By Reed Blakemore

We need to ensure that our minerals policy does not become overly clerkish, prescribing problems rather than solving them. Capturing the supply/demand dynamism between each critical mineral will illuminate the pathways to build a cohesive minerals strategy.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions


Jun 8, 2023

Dollar dominance: Preserving the US dollar’s status as the global reserve currency

By Dr. Carla Norrlöf

Dr. Carla Norrlöf, a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center, testified to the US House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy. Below are her prepared remarks for the committee on preserving the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency.

China Economic Sanctions