
Issue Brief

Apr 23, 2024

The flaws in project-based carbon credit trading and the need for jurisdictional alternatives

By Byron Swift, Ken Berlin, George Frampton, and Frank Willey

This issue brief highlights several significant, and at times unresolvable, problems with the project-based approach to carbon credit trading, the purpose of which is to reduce deforestation and sequester carbon.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance

Issue Brief

Mar 5, 2024

Cleveland, Ohio: Promoting a local and just energy transition

By Peter Engelke, Joseph Webster, Maia Sparkman

The issue brief focuses on the decarbonization pathway of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland's history shows that a concerted, collaborative effort can accomplish major conservation and decarbonization goals.

Energy Transitions Geopolitics & Energy Security

Enabling net-zero solutions

Mar 4, 2024

Toward harmonizing transatlantic hydrogen policies: Understanding the gaps

By Joseph Webster and Pau Ruiz Guix

Clean hydrogen is becoming a critical tool for decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors. While the US and EU governments are supporting the growth of their respective hydrogen industries, they must identify gaps in transatlantic approaches to effectively build on each others' efforts rather than create hinderances.

European Union Geopolitics & Energy Security

Blog Post

Feb 22, 2024

How to finance net zero in developing economies: Beyond the existing investment framework

By Ken Berlin, Frank Willey

The IEA's recent analysis concludes that the world is on a path to achieve only one-third of the necessary reductions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C by 2030. The establishment of a new financing structure that catalyzes private investment in developing countries through innovative financing guarantees is crucial for achieving ambitious carbon reduction goals.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy Markets & Governance

Enabling net-zero solutions

Dec 7, 2023

Partner perspective: Energy companies are essential to global climate solutions

By Mansoor Mohamed Al Hamed

The transformation of the energy system will happen with or without the oil and gas sector; Oil and gas companies must invest in low-carbon and renewables business outside their core operations.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy Transitions

Enabling net-zero solutions

Dec 5, 2023

Partner perspective: To make a lasting impact on carbon emissions, we must respect the developing world’s needs 

By Majid Jafar

The developing world is where the entire climate change battle will be won or lost, writes Majid Jafar, the CEO of Crescent Petroleum.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

Global Energy Agenda

Dec 5, 2023

Partner perspective: A catalyst for cleaner energy

By Scott Strazik

Public-private partnerships will be necessary to accelerate electrification and decarbonization, writes Scott Strazik, the CEO of GE Vernova.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy Transitions

Global Energy Agenda

Nov 30, 2023

To achieve carbon neutrality, countries must navigate geopolitics and energy together

By Shin Hosaka

Energy dynamics, replete with their occasional turbulence, hold sway over global geopolitics. As such, multilateralism will be a key driving force to encourage energy transitions toward net zero.

Africa Americas

Enabling net-zero solutions

Nov 30, 2023

Accelerating clean energy deployment in emerging markets 

By Sebastian Kind

Renewable energy resources are technologically and economically advanced and well poised to accelerate the energy transition. However, to supercharge renewable energy deployment in all markets, improved framework, reforms and instruments are necessary.

Africa Indo-Pacific

Enabling net-zero solutions

Nov 30, 2023

The energy transition can proactively shape a more equal and inclusive world

By Damilola Ogunbiyi

The urgency of the energy issues does not provide the luxury of time; ways to deliver affordable, reliable, and clean energy while accelerating the transition to cleaner renewable energy sources is imperative.

Africa Energy & Environment