Mission statement

The Freedom and Prosperity project seeks to advance economic development through the promotion of economic freedom, the rule of law, and representative government as the best path for countries to reduce poverty and achieve prosperity for their people.

We seek to foster an inclusive dialogue with regional partners from across the globe on how to advance prosperity and improve the quality of life for people in developing countries. We will work with these partners to marshal the evidence and make a persuasive case that good political and economic institutions are essential for sustained improvements in standards of living.

This project is of particular relevance today as authoritarian, state-led capitalism is being falsely promoted as a superior alternative to economic freedom, the rule of law, and representative government.

This project begins from the premise that there are three essential ingredients for sustained economic development:

  1. Economic Freedom: An economic system in which free markets predominantly determine prices and the allocation of goods and services.
  2. Rule of Law: A legal system that protects property and contract rights and prevents corruption and the arbitrary abuse of power.
  3. Representative Government: A political system in which leaders are elected and political and civil liberties are protected.

To advance this case, we will:

  • Collaborate with think tanks, universities, and academic experts around the world to take stock of existing research and to stimulate and produce our own original research in support of the project’s core objectives.
  • Engage with political leaders, policymakers, civil society and business leaders, scholars, journalists, and students, particularly in developing countries. We will organize and engage through international conferences and other public events at which current and former political leaders from around the world, as well as noted scholars, endorse economic freedom, the rule of law, and representative government. The project will reach a broad public audience through an active social media campaign.
  • Develop and publish an annual Freedom and Prosperity Index that measures countries’ progress on freedom and prosperity. A primary measure of economic development is per capita gross domestic product (GDP). We will also gauge economic development by taking into account other indicators, including: poverty rates, education levels, access to health care, gender and economic equality, and environmental protection.

Asia Workshop

Past events

Mar 7, 2022

Workshop on freedom and prosperity in Asia

By Atlantic Council

On February 16, 2022, the Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Project, in collaboration with the Centre for Civil Society in India, hosts the fourth and last in a series of virtual workshops on strengthening economic freedom, rule of law, and representative government in different regions across the world.

Democratic Transitions Economy & Business

Africa Workshop

Past events

Jan 28, 2022

Workshop on freedom and prosperity in Africa

By Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Project, on January 11, 2022, in collaboration with the Centre for Development and Enterprises Great Lakes, Burundi, hosts the third in a series of virtual workshops on strengthening economic freedom, rule of law, and representative government in different regions across the world.

Africa Democratic Transitions

Middle East Workshop

Past events

Nov 3, 2021

Workshop on freedom and prosperity in the Greater Middle East and North Africa

By Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Project, on October 28, 2021, in collaboration with the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East and the Tunisian Council for International Relations, hosts the second in a series of virtual workshops on strengthening economic freedom, rule of law, and representative government in different regions across the world.

Democratic Transitions Economy & Business

Latin America workshop

Past events

Oct 7, 2021

Workshop on freedom and prosperity in Latin America

By Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Project, on September 28, 2021, in collaboration with the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center and Brazilian think tank Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV), hosts the first in a series of virtual workshops on strengthening economic freedom, rule of law, and representative government in different regions across the world.

Press release

Press Release

Jun 28, 2021

Atlantic Council launches Freedom and Prosperity Project

By Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council announced today the launch of the Freedom and Prosperity Project in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, which will advocate in favor of economic freedom, the rule of law, and representative government as the best path for developing countries to achieve prosperity.



The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.


Freedom and Prosperity Around the World

Feb 26, 2024

Economic reform is crucial for growth in Brazil

By José A. Scheinkman

Brazil's economic prospects are hindered by high taxes, inefficient regulations, and security concerns, particularly in drug trafficking routes. Reform efforts, including tax and fiscal reforms, along with leveraging Brazil's strengths like clean energy, are crucial for growth and education opportunities.

Brazil Economy & Business

The Freedom and Prosperity Equation

Sep 18, 2023

Pathways to economic prosperity: Theoretical, methodological, and evidential considerations

By Markus Jaeger

Economic development is a complex, multi-causal phenomenon and it is useful to consider how different elements, including policies and institutions, interact to produce sustained economic growth. Depending on the situation, various reforms can nudge nations toward certain paths.

Freedom and Prosperity Macroeconomics

The Freedom and Prosperity Equation

Sep 18, 2023

Prosperity: Freedom and its twin, cooperation

By Michael Klein

Societies need freedoms to prosper, but cooperation is just as important for firms and markets to reach their full potential. The challenge is about finding a balance between the two.

Economy & Business Freedom and Prosperity

The Freedom and Prosperity Equation

Sep 18, 2023

Who came first: Freedom or prosperity? An inquiry about liberty and well-being

By Vladimir Fernandes Maciel, Ulisses Monteiro Ruiz de Gamboa, Paulo Rogério Scarano, and Julian Alexienco Portillo

The symbiosis between freedom and prosperity: a virtuous cycle (higher levels of freedom and prosperity lead to more freedom and prosperity) and a vicious cycle (lower levels of freedom and prosperity lead to less freedom and prosperity), with these cycles tending to reinforce each other.

Freedom and Prosperity Macroeconomics