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In the News

Aug 29, 2024

Yade in Le Monde: “Jeux paralympiques : « On aimerait que Paris gagne la médaille de l’accessibilité ! »”

By Atlantic Council

Read the full article here.

France Human Rights

In the News

May 11, 2022

McFate joins The Globe and Mail to discuss Russian atrocities in Ukraine

Conflict Russia

In the News

May 9, 2022

McFate in Merion West: To win wars, cut the U.S. defense budget

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the tank-shot heard around the world, especially by American defense hawks.” writes Sean McFate

Defense Policy Security & Defense

In the News

Nov 9, 2021

Charai in the National Interest: Khalifa Haftar can make or break Libya’s Paris Peace Conference

By Ahmed Charai

After years of murder and misery, long-suffering Libyans finally have a ray of hope: the Paris Conference on Libya, scheduled for November 14, 2021. Ahmed Charai “America’s support for the Libyan peace process is strongly signaled by the presence of U.S. vice president Kamala Harris” Charai argues. Read Charai’s latest in the National Interest on […]

Africa Conflict

In the News

Sep 24, 2021

Charai in the National Interest: The fight for Afghan women’s rights is just the beginning

By Atlantic Council

While the US government needs to work with the Taliban to evacuate trapped Americans and allies, there can be no talk of “normalizing relations” with the Taliban until it normalizes its treatment of women and ethnic minorities, and the US has a major role to play in protecting human rights, argues Ahmed Charai.

Afghanistan Extremism

In the News

Sep 10, 2021

Dr. Pham joins BBC to discuss the coup in Guinea

Read more about our expert:


In the News

Aug 23, 2021

Charai in The Hill: Refugees can be a step toward redemption for Afghanistan failures

By Atlantic Council

While the chaos of the sudden US withdrawal from Afghanistan has been unpopular, the United States can redeem itself by providing humanitarian assistance for all Afghans without exception, says Ahmed Charai.

Afghanistan Conflict

In the News

Jul 21, 2021

Charai in The Hill: As the world reopens, surging detentions and abuses isolate China

By Atlantic Council

Sponsors are facing increased pressure to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics. How can China avoid the embarrassment of a widespread boycott? Release Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, argues Atlantic Council Board Director Ahmed Charai.

China Human Rights

In the News

Jun 14, 2021

Charai in the National Interest: The last days of Netanyahu

By Atlantic Council

For the first time since Israel’s formation in 1948, elected Arab leaders have not only lent their votes to a governing coalition but joined it. Read Atlantic Council Board Director Ahmed Charai’s latest in the National Interest on Israel’s new coalition government and its implications.

Israel Middle East

In the News

May 25, 2021

Yade joins the House Foreign Affairs Committee to speak on African innovation and leadership

By Atlantic Council

To mark the occasion of Africa Day, Africa Center Director Amb. Rama Yade joined the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday, May 25 for a roundtable on African entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership and how to build stronger US-Africa ties.

Africa Economy & Business