Transatlantic cooperation is at the core of the rules-based international order that has provided security and prosperity for over 780 million people in the United States and across Europe. With the international order increasingly challenged, cooperation is crucial across the entire policy spectrum that defines the transatlantic relationship.

To unpack these challenges and opportunities, the Atlantic Council Europe Center’s #AtlanticDebrief hosts interviews with leading experts, policymakers, and newsmakers from both sides of the Atlantic.

You can watch #AtlanticDebrief on YouTube and as a podcast.

#AtlanticDebrief Episodes

Atlantic Debrief

Dec 10, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – What is the future of the Three Seas Initiative? | A debrief from Amb. Georgette Mosbacher

As part of Central Europe Week, Ian Brzezinski sits down with Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher to discuss 3SI and Central Europe’s effort to modernize and expand cross-border regional infrastructure.

Central Europe Economy & Business

Atlantic Debrief

Oct 8, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – How should transatlantic policymakers realize a bolder agenda for Africa? | A debrief from Amb. Rama Yade

Amb. Rama Yade outlines ideas for revitalizing US-EU cooperation in Africa and Africa’s role and perspective.

Africa Economy & Business

Atlantic Debrief

Oct 7, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – How can Washington and Brussels get coordination right for Ukraine? | A debrief from Amb. John Herbst

Amb. John Herbst discusses how policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic should continue to support Ukraine regardless of the outcomes of the US presidential election.

Europe & Eurasia European Union

Atlantic Debrief

Oct 7, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – How can US-EU defense cooperation be enhanced? | A debrief from Rachel Rizzo

Rachel Rizzo discusses how Washington should embrace the EU’s efforts to boost its defense industry and strengthen Euro-Atlantic security cooperation.

European Union NATO

Atlantic Debrief

Oct 7, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – How can policymakers navigate between data war and peace? | A debrief from Kenneth Propp

Kenneth Propp outlines the challenges and opportunities for US-EU alignment on international commercial data flows including the role of national security.

Digital Policy Economy & Business


The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.