About the pillar
Beyond urgent needs, the Africa Center works to foster the long-term industrial and green transformation of the continent through a new Africa business strategy and a strategic partnership in the sectors of industry, services, health, science and technology, and much more. African markets are home to the most dynamic economies of the world and the biggest digital revolution of past decades. A rising number of companies and organizations produce high-quality goods, services, and cutting-edge innovation that greatly influences the global market. The continent’s positive industrial trends linked to digital transformation underline room for continued growth and sustainable development. These success stories should not be isolated but should be supported, scaled, and amplified.
That is why the Africa Center works at highlighting the most innovative financial solutions to cover African needs, from the tools to unlock international markets to the most interesting finance schemes for African business players. Through an African vision of Climate, the Africa Center looks into African solutions for the continent and the rest of the world.
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The Africa Center works to promote dynamic geopolitical partnerships with African states and to redirect US and European policy priorities toward strengthening security and bolstering economic growth and prosperity on the continent.