issue spotlight

Ukraine response

Founded sixty years ago at the height of Cold War tensions with Moscow, the Atlantic Council is driven by our mission of “shaping the global future together.” The Council is a nonpartisan organization that galvanizes US leadership and engagement in the world in partnership with allies and partners. Building on that mission, we have responded quickly and comprehensively to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, harnessing our editorial and convening power to help the United States and its allies to act swiftly and effectively—and to unify the disparate voices in favor of democracy, prosperity, and the transatlantic alliance.

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The Eurasia Center’s mission is to enhance transatlantic cooperation in promoting stability, democratic values and prosperity in Eurasia, from Eastern Europe and Turkey in the West to the Caucasus, Russia and Central Asia in the East.


Issue Brief

Oct 23, 2022

Advancing a framework for the stabilization and reconstruction of Ukraine

By Patrick Quirk and Prakhar Sharma

This policy brief articulates an actionable and evidence-based framework for the stabilization and reconstruction of Ukraine.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment

New Atlanticist

Oct 21, 2022

Russian War Report: Wagner sends vehicles to Kherson while Iran increases military support

By Digital Forensic Research Lab

Even after Putin declared martial law in the unlawfully "annexed" portions of Eastern Ukraine, Russia continues to ratchet up its offense with Iran and Belarus' backing.

Belarus Conflict


Oct 21, 2022

Ukraine’s growing tech sector offers hope amid wartime economic pain

By Dathan Duplichen

Ukraine's tech sector offers a rare glimmer of light amid the economic gloom of Russia's ongoing invasion with Ukrainian IT industry export revenues actually up by 23% during the first six months of 2022.

Conflict Digital Policy

New Atlanticist

Oct 20, 2022

How to respond if Putin goes nuclear? Here are the economic and political options.

By Brian O’Toole, Daniel Fried

Conversations about responding to Russian nuclear use should not end with military options. Here's an economic plan for the West to respond.

Conflict Economic Sanctions

In the News

Oct 20, 2022

Khakova joins BBC News to discuss the War in Ukraine

Geopolitics & Energy Security Russia


Oct 20, 2022

Classical concert captures Ukraine’s defiant response to Russian invasion

By Jacob Heilbrunn

Ukraine's defiant spirit was on display on October 18 at a Kennedy Center concert organized by the Chopivsky Family Foundation and featuring the New Era Orchestra of Kyiv together with celebrated violinist Joshua Bell.

Civil Society Conflict


Oct 19, 2022

Winning the peace through democratic progress in post-war Ukraine

By Peter Erben, Gio Kobakhidze

As Ukraine’s army continues to liberate the country from Russian occupation, it is critical that Ukraine’s military success is buttressed by continued democratic progress. Ukraine must not only win the war, but also win the peace.

Civil Society Conflict


Oct 18, 2022

Bowing to Putin’s nuclear blackmail will make nuclear war more likely

By Andriy Zagorodnyuk

Giving in to Putin’s nuclear blackmail would not end the war in Ukraine. What it would do is set a disastrous precedent that makes a future nuclear war far more likely while encouraging uncontrolled nuclear proliferation.

Arms Control Conflict


Oct 17, 2022

Ukraine has a Russia problem not a Putin problem

By Taras Kuzio

Ukraine appears poised to defeat Putin's invasion but Russia will continue to pose an existential threat to Ukrainian statehood until Russians learn to accept that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent nation.

Conflict Democratic Transitions


Oct 17, 2022

Putin’s blackout blitz: Russia aims to freeze Ukrainians into surrender

By Suriya Evans-Pritchard Jayanti

Russia is seeking to plunge Ukraine into darkness ahead of the winter heating season by destroying the country's energy infrastructure. Ukraine's partners must step in to make sure Ukrainians are not frozen into surrender.

Conflict Energy Markets & Governance
