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New Atlanticist

Nov 9, 2021

How to get Biden’s democracy summit right

By Daniel Fried, Rose Jackson

Two of the Council’s democracy experts say the upcoming Summit for Democracy needs to take aim at autocrats’ tools by focusing on anti-corruption and tech standards, and elevating civil society.

Civil Society Corruption

Featured event

360/Stratcom 2022

360/StratCom is DFRLab’s annual, premier government-to-government forum focused on working with allies and partners to align free and open societies in an era of contested information.


New Atlanticist

Mar 29, 2023

What to expect from the world’s democratic tech alliance as the Summit for Democracy unfolds

By Katherine Golden

Ahead of the Biden administration’s second Summit for Democracy, stakeholders from the Freedom Online Coalition gave a sneak peek at what to expect on the global effort to protect online rights and freedoms.

Cybersecurity Democratic Transitions


Mar 28, 2023

Wendy Sherman on the United States’ priorities as it takes the helm of the Freedom Online Coalition

By Atlantic Council

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman outlined the priorities for the world’s democratic tech alliance, from protecting fundamental freedoms online to building resilience against digital authoritarianism.

Cybersecurity Disinformation

Strategic Insights Memo

Jul 19, 2022

Toward coherence in tech competition with China

By Peter Engelke, Emily Weinstein

This June, the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and the Global China Hub convened experts and officials in a private workshop to discuss technological competition between the United States, its allies and partners, and their biggest global competitor, China. The workshop explored the stakes in this competition across economic, military, and other domains, as well as the challenges facing Washington and its allies and partners with respect to China’s rising technological capabilities. This memo draws from insights gleaned during the workshop to give policymakers a better understanding of this competition, it stakes, and the strategic choices facing the United States and its allies and partners.

China Defense Technologies


Dec 14, 2021

Inside a new effort to define and promote tech transparency

By Atlantic Council

Our Digital Forensic Research Lab joined with partner organizations to launch the Action Coalition, a group organized under the Danish government’s Technology for Democracy Initiative that will spend a year searching for clarity and progress on transparency in tech.

Digital Policy Disinformation

New Atlanticist

Dec 10, 2021

Nicaragua has cut ties with Taiwan and backed Beijing. What’s next for China’s diplomatic offensive?

By Dan Peleschuk

Our experts break down what swayed Nicaragua, what China has to gain, and what the United States stands to lose.

China Latin America

New Atlanticist

Dec 9, 2021

Biden’s democracy summit should produce a transatlantic anti-corruption strategy

By Ben Judah

The Biden administration’s impressive new corruption strategy should inspire the UK and EU to join in.

Corruption Europe & Eurasia


Dec 8, 2021

Are autocrats winning the internet? Leading activists describe the role of big tech on the ground

By Atlantic Council

Glacier Chung Ching Kwong and Leonid Volkov reflect on their experiences defending human rights in Russia and Hong Kong to answer whether authoritarians are winning in harnessing technology.

Human Rights Internet

New Atlanticist

Dec 8, 2021

Democracy in Latin America is under threat. These two summits are a chance to fix it.

By Eguiar Lizundia and Antonio Garrastazu

As nations across the Americas come together to address their shared shortcomings, here’s a roadmap to help bolster their democratic institutions.

Civil Society Democratic Transitions

Strategic Insights Memo

Dec 7, 2021

Biden’s Summit for Democracy

By Ash Jain

Over the past several months, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security has organized a series of private workshops with official and experts from leading democracies, including the D-10, to discuss the Biden administration’s plans for a Summit for Democracy. This memo provides some insights and recommendations for summit plans going forward.

Europe & Eurasia Indo-Pacific


Dec 6, 2021

Behind the scenes of the newest hot job in diplomacy: Tech ambassador

By Atlantic Council

Countries have begun appointing tech ambassadors in different forms to elevate technology as a national-security and foreign-policy priority. Here’s what their roles mean not just for democracy and human rights in the digital age.

Digital Policy Internet


New Atlanticist

Mar 29, 2023

What to expect from the world’s democratic tech alliance as the Summit for Democracy unfolds

By Katherine Golden

Ahead of the Biden administration’s second Summit for Democracy, stakeholders from the Freedom Online Coalition gave a sneak peek at what to expect on the global effort to protect online rights and freedoms.

Cybersecurity Democratic Transitions


Mar 28, 2023

Wendy Sherman on the United States’ priorities as it takes the helm of the Freedom Online Coalition

By Atlantic Council

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman outlined the priorities for the world's democratic tech alliance, from protecting fundamental freedoms online to building resilience against digital authoritarianism.

Cybersecurity Disinformation

Strategic Insights Memo

Jul 19, 2022

Toward coherence in tech competition with China

By Peter Engelke, Emily Weinstein

This June, the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and the Global China Hub convened experts and officials in a private workshop to discuss technological competition between the United States, its allies and partners, and their biggest global competitor, China. The workshop explored the stakes in this competition across economic, military, and other domains, as well as the challenges facing Washington and its allies and partners with respect to China’s rising technological capabilities. This memo draws from insights gleaned during the workshop to give policymakers a better understanding of this competition, it stakes, and the strategic choices facing the United States and its allies and partners.

China Defense Technologies


Dec 14, 2021

Inside a new effort to define and promote tech transparency

By Atlantic Council

Our Digital Forensic Research Lab joined with partner organizations to launch the Action Coalition, a group organized under the Danish government's Technology for Democracy Initiative that will spend a year searching for clarity and progress on transparency in tech.

Digital Policy Disinformation

New Atlanticist

Dec 10, 2021

Nicaragua has cut ties with Taiwan and backed Beijing. What’s next for China’s diplomatic offensive?

By Dan Peleschuk

Our experts break down what swayed Nicaragua, what China has to gain, and what the United States stands to lose.

China Latin America

New Atlanticist

Dec 9, 2021

Biden’s democracy summit should produce a transatlantic anti-corruption strategy

By Ben Judah

The Biden administration's impressive new corruption strategy should inspire the UK and EU to join in.

Corruption Europe & Eurasia


Dec 8, 2021

Are autocrats winning the internet? Leading activists describe the role of big tech on the ground

By Atlantic Council

Glacier Chung Ching Kwong and Leonid Volkov reflect on their experiences defending human rights in Russia and Hong Kong to answer whether authoritarians are winning in harnessing technology.

Human Rights Internet

New Atlanticist

Dec 8, 2021

Democracy in Latin America is under threat. These two summits are a chance to fix it.

By Eguiar Lizundia and Antonio Garrastazu

As nations across the Americas come together to address their shared shortcomings, here's a roadmap to help bolster their democratic institutions.

Civil Society Democratic Transitions

Strategic Insights Memo

Dec 7, 2021

Biden’s Summit for Democracy

By Ash Jain

Over the past several months, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security has organized a series of private workshops with official and experts from leading democracies, including the D-10, to discuss the Biden administration’s plans for a Summit for Democracy. This memo provides some insights and recommendations for summit plans going forward.

Europe & Eurasia Indo-Pacific


Dec 6, 2021

Behind the scenes of the newest hot job in diplomacy: Tech ambassador

By Atlantic Council

Countries have begun appointing tech ambassadors in different forms to elevate technology as a national-security and foreign-policy priority. Here's what their roles mean not just for democracy and human rights in the digital age.

Digital Policy Internet