All in-depth research & reports

Issue Brief

Jul 2, 2024

Doing as the Romans do: Recommendations for the infrastructure development agenda for Italy’s G7 presidency

By James Batchik, Rachel Rizzo, Nicholas O’Connell

The West’s plans for infrastructure development, if done effectively, could be a strategic, economic, and geopolitical feat. The G7 now must take forward meaningful action to increase coordination and cooperation to turn this ambition into reality.

Africa Economy & Business


Jun 27, 2024

Electrification of the road transport sector in Europe and the case of Italy

By Pier Paolo Raimondi

A report exploring the the European Union and Italy’s ongoing progress in electrifying the transport sector in pursuit of broader decarbonization goals.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

May 29, 2024

Who’s a national security risk? The changing transatlantic geopolitics of data transfers

By Kenneth Propp

The geopolitics of data transfers is changing. How will Washington’s new focus on data transfers affect Europe and the transatlantic relationship?

Cybersecurity Digital Policy

Issue Brief

Feb 26, 2024

Western Balkans must pursue more competitive energy sectors

By Matthew Bryza

The EU needs to take steps to support more competition and efficiency in the energy sectors of Bulgaria and the Western Balkans to advance the energy transition and promote energy independence from Russia.

Energy Markets & Governance Energy Transitions
Model of natural gas pipeline and Russian flag, July 18, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration


Jan 25, 2024

How Europe can escape its structural energy weakness amid great power competition

By Ben Judah, Tim Sahay, Shahin Vallée, and Francis Shin

This report argues that the EU will need to engage in deep structural and political reforms to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Africa Climate Change & Climate Action

Issue Brief

Dec 20, 2023

Up for grabs? The Western Balkans’ aging energy systems place it between East and West

By Aleksandar Kovacevic

The Western Balkans’ hydropower can help Europe’s pursuit of energy security. Failure to act on this potential brings significant costs.

Energy & Environment Europe & Eurasia


Dec 11, 2023

Getting back on track: Unlocking Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic and development perspective

By Agon Maliqi

Report exploring the path forward for Kosovo’s integration into transatlantic institutions and the geopolitical and economic challenges and opportunities facing the country.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

Oct 18, 2023

Designing a US-EU industrial and trade policy 

By Erik Brattberg, Frances Burwell, Jörn Fleck, Charles Lichfield, Zach Meyers, James Batchik, and Emma Nix

Both sides of the Atlantic are confronting the geopolitical necessity of adapting trade and industrial policies to be fit for purpose in an increasingly competitive world. To avoid competition between Washington and Brussels, policymakers must recognize each side’s priorities and commit to further cooperation to bridge the transatlantic economic relationship, not widen it.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment


Oct 16, 2023

How to strike a grand bargain on EU nuclear energy policy

By Ben Judah, Rachel Rizzo, Théophile Pouget-Abadie, Jonah Allen, Francis Shin

The EU currently faces an internal dispute over nuclear energy. To resolve this, the EU must commit to allowing each member to pursue its own energy mix, recognize nuclear energy as a crucial part of Europe’s existing energy mix, and adopting a technology-neutral approach to the implementation of the GDIP and NZIA.

Energy Markets & Governance European Union
Solar panels are pictured.

In-Depth Research & Reports

Sep 6, 2023

Policy memo: A NATO-style spending target could fund long-term decarbonization

By Ben Judah, Francis Shin, Rachel Rizzo, Théophile Pouget-Abadie

EU member states and like-minded allies should set national-level spending targets, each based on a percentage of their respective annual GDPs, for decarbonization-related purposes. This would provide the basis of an international coalition that would ramp up global climate spending and set a useful benchmark to anchor high-level diplomatic discussions on the subject.

Climate Change & Climate Action European Union