All commentary & analysis


Jul 8, 2024

Infographic: Could Brazil be the future of global food security?

By Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center

With an expected global population of 10 billion by 2050, the world must adjust to meet growing food demands. Learn more.

Americas Brazil

In the News

Nov 23, 2020

Manning quoted in The Straits Times: RCEP signing a wake-up call for the US

By Robert A. Manning

On November 23, 2020, Robert Manning was quoted several times in The Straits Times.

China East Asia

Elections 2020

Oct 30, 2020

Democracy at home is the source of American power abroad

By Peter Engelke, Julian Mueller-Kaler

The United States does have the power to both right its own ship and fully employ its example to good effect around the world, but only if its citizens stay engaged in the hard work of democratic self-governance.

Elections Political Reform

Blog Post

Sep 3, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Mr. John Raidt

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Mr. John Raidt, security and public policy expert and practitioner, discusses political dysfunction in the US and the need for democratic renewal in light of the pandemic.

China Civil Society

Blog Post

Aug 20, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Conrad Tucker

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Dr. Conrad Tucker, professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, explains how the pandemic is changing the conversations around higher education and emerging technologies.

Coronavirus Education

Blog Post

Jul 29, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Joe Mascaro

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Dr. Joe Mascaro, director of education and research at Planet, discusses the effects of the pandemic on the environment, and its implications for energy transitions and earth sciences research.

Climate Change & Climate Action Coronavirus

Blog Post

Jul 23, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Mr. Greg Lindsay

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Greg Lindsay, director of applied research at NewCities, outlines the implications of the pandemic for the future of cities and shares suggestions for how communities could emerge from this crisis stronger than before.

Civil Society Climate Change & Climate Action
us navy military what world post-covid 19 kim roberts

Blog Post

Jul 20, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Kim Roberts

By Anca Agachi, Peter Engelke

Dr. Kim Roberts, security studies expert, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed thinking around national security and the US role in the world, and outlines the uncertainties ahead.

China Coronavirus

Smart Partnerships Series

Jul 1, 2020

Can AI and emerging tech boost African development?

By Julian Mueller-Kaler

The final roundtable of the Smart Partnerships Series focused on the African continent and how AI as well as other emerging technologies can be harnessed there for good.

Africa Americas

Smart Partnerships Series

Jun 16, 2020

AI, an accelerator of change?

By Julian Mueller-Kaler

Two digital roundtables with India brought together high-level experts to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and geopolitics of emerging technologies in the South Asian country. While the first focused on AI and health, the second centered on Sino-Indian relations.

Americas China