The Atlantic Council strives to promote a Europe undivided, free, and prosperous through its support of the Three Seas Initiative. The Initiative seeks to bolster investment in Central and Eastern European transportation, energy, and digital infrastructure to improve regional connectivity and bolster development. Through publications, events, and collaboration with regional governments, the Atlantic Council builds awareness for the Initiative on both sides of the Atlantic among the public and private sectors.

The Atlantic Council has been linked with the Three Seas Initiative since its inception starting with the 2014 report on “Completing Europe – From the North-South Corridor to Energy, Transportation, and Telecommunications Union.




Press Release

Feb 18, 2021

Atlantic Council announces Three Seas Chairs

Chairs will bring unparalleled experience to advancing international investment in Central Europe and the Baltic States

Central Europe



The Three Seas Initiative

Nov 12, 2021

Romania’s foreign minister on ‘bridging [the] connectivity gap’ with the Three Seas Initiative

By Atlantic Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Bogdan Aurescu spoke at an Atlantic Council roundtable on security and cooperation in the Black Sea region.

Central Europe Economy & Business

New Atlanticist

Jul 1, 2021

Policy memo: A digital agenda for the Three Seas Initiative Summit

By Frances Burwell, Jörn Fleck, James Batchik, and Luka Ignac

The Three Seas nations should invest in digital infrastructure, nurture emerging technologies, and amplify the region’s voice on policy. Here’s how.

Central Europe Digital Policy

The Three Seas Initiative

May 6, 2021

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki on the COVID comeback, the Three Seas Initiative, and where the US is falling short

By Atlantic Council

The Polish leader joined the Atlantic Council’s EU-US Future Forum to discuss ways to improve the transatlantic relationship, and the challenges and opportunities in Central Europe.

Coronavirus Economy & Business

Event Recap

Apr 1, 2021

Completing Europe: The Three Seas Initiative, featuring Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

On March 25, 2021, the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center organized a strategy session on “Completing Europe: The Three Seas Initiative,” convened by Gen. James L. Jones, Jr. and Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher, Chairman and Co-Chair of the Atlantic Council’s Three Seas Programming. The roundtable featured opening remarks by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) who has lead Congressional support for the Initiative. […]

Central Europe Eastern Europe

The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.