About the project

Women for Prosperity—a project by the Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center—is dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs around the world and driving real policy changes with lasting effects. Focusing on specific countries, the project focuses on connecting industry leaders with emerging women entrepreneurs, along with bringing together government officials, civil society organizations, and private sector leaders to discuss policy proposals and solutions informed by data from the Freedom and Prosperity Indexes. Implementation of the project consists of four main pillars, mentoring, training, policy, and scalability.

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The Freedom and Prosperity Center aims to increase the prosperity of the poor and marginalized in developing countries and to explore the nature of the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both developing and developed nations.

Women for Prosperity

Women for Prosperity—a project by the Freedom and Prosperity Center—is dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs in developing countries worldwide and driving real policy changes with lasting effects.

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