
In the News

Jul 5, 2022

Mostajabi quoted in the New Arab on the prospects for the Iran nuclear deal

By Atlantic Council

Iran Nuclear Deterrence


Jul 4, 2022

Why Ukraine loves Boris

By Peter Dickinson

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's domestic approval rating has hit rock bottom but he is the most popular foreign politician in Ukraine thanks to his support for the country in its fight against Vladimir Putin's invasion.

Conflict National Security

In the News

Jul 4, 2022

Azodi quoted in Iran Front Page on whether the JCPOA will be revived

By Atlantic Council

Iran Nuclear Nonproliferation

In the News

Jul 4, 2022

Ashford in The National Interest: Ukraine and the return of the multipolar world

By Atlantic Council

On July 4, The National Interest published an article by Emma Ashford about how the war in Ukraine demonstrates the persistence of spheres of influence and signals an ongoing shift to a multipolar world. “A sphere of influence is not a normative concept, nor something a state cedes to another out of courtesy or pity. It is […]

Conflict English

In the News

Jul 3, 2022

Wechsler quoted in The Washington Post on US military strategy with Iran

By Atlantic Council

Iran Politics & Diplomacy


Jul 3, 2022

Putin’s poisonous anti-Western ideology relies heavily on projection

By Allan Mustard

Vladimir Putin's poisonous anti-Western ideology is rooted in projection of his own authoritarian instincts and outdated assumptions about the adversarial nature of relations between Russia and the democratic world.

Conflict Democratic Transitions

Inflection Points

Jul 2, 2022

Special dispatch from Madrid: At NATO’s historic summit, good scores points on evil, but it’s not enough to stop Putin’s Ukraine war

By Frederick Kempe

Despite the successes of the NATO summit, Russia's missile strike on a Ukrainian shopping mall put the brutality of Putin's war into stark relief.

Conflict Eastern Europe

New Atlanticist

Jul 1, 2022

Summit speed read: How the G7 and NATO pushed back on Putin

By Daniel Fried

The free world’s leading institutions did a lot this week—but the war still hangs in the balance. Here's what was agreed to and what is yet to be accomplished.

Conflict Economic Sanctions

AC Selects

Jul 1, 2022

AC Selects: Highlights from The NATO Public Forum

Event from the week of July 1, 2022 Last week, the Transatlantic Security Initiative hosted the NATO Public Forum on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Madrid to talk to the Alliance’s leaders as well as international security experts. The Forum brought together stakeholders beyond the traditional security and defense community in a discussion […]

Conflict Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Jul 1, 2022

Gramer featured twice in Foreign Policy upon return from Seoul

After wrapping up one week in Seoul, Atlantic Council-Korea Foundation Journalist Fellow Robbie Gramer published two articles in Foreign Policy titled, “As Security Threats Mount, Japan and South Korea Begin (Carefully) Mending Fences” (June 30, 2022) and “Pyongyang’s Not Picking Up the Phone” (June 28, 2022). Based on interviews with South Korean officials and experts […]

Japan Korea

