New Atlanticist

New Atlanticist

Dec 20, 2023

The Atlantic Council’s greatest hits of 2023

By Frederick Kempe

Here’s the best of our efforts to further our mission to shape the global future together with allies and partners in 2023.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment
U.S. President Joe Biden addresses the 78th Session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City, U.S., September 19, 2023. REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs

New Atlanticist

Sep 19, 2023

With the UN General Assembly underway, keep freedom at the forefront

By Nina Dannaoui, James Storen

Data from the Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Indexes show that freedom is both present and actively pursued all over the world.

Africa Americas

New Atlanticist

Apr 20, 2023

Tackling food insecurity in Africa will require securing women’s rights. Here are two ways to start.

By James Storen

Policymakers should equalize inheritance rights and support women’s entrepreneurship as ways to enhance food security.

East Africa North & West Africa

New Atlanticist

Mar 7, 2023

How policymakers should fight for freedom and prosperity in a world of rising autocracy

By Yomna Gaafar, Joseph Lemoine

Researchers unveiled new data at the Atlantic Council that can help policymakers promote democracy and turn the tide of autocratization in regions around the world.

Freedom and Prosperity Politics & Diplomacy

New Atlanticist

Dec 23, 2022

The Atlantic Council’s 22 greatest hits of 2022

By Frederick Kempe

Our work to help inform policymakers and the public as we craft solutions to the world’s most difficult challenges has never felt more urgent. Here’s the best of our efforts from a tumultuous 2022.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment

External Publications

In the News

Nov 8, 2023

Michael Fisch and Dan Negrea publish article on autocratic aggression in National Interest

On October 17, 2023, Michael Fisch and Dan Negrea, published an op-ed in the National Interest regarding autocratic aggression.

In the News

Nov 8, 2023

Joseph Lemoine publishes article in Devex

On July 7, 2023, Deputy Director Joseph Lemoine published an op-ed with Devex on China’s development approach. Using data from the Freedom and Prosperity Indexes and analyzing the contrasting differences in development between China and the Western world, he argued that while China has achieved success in alleviating poverty, a more democratic approach is the […]

In the News

Nov 8, 2023

Freedom and Prosperity Team publishes National Interest article on democracy summit

On January 11, 2023, Senior Director Dan Negrea, Deputy Director Joseph Lemoine, and Assistant Director Yomna Gaafar published an op-ed in the National Interest regarding Biden’s 2023 democracy summit. Using data from the 2022 Freedom and Prosperity Indexes, the trio analyzed how effective Biden’s proposed summit would be in combating autocracies.

In the News

Oct 6, 2023

Kroenig and Negrea in National Review on the need for a clear US strategy for Ukraine

By Atlantic Council

On October 5, Matthew Kroenig, vice president and Scowcroft Center senior director, and Dan Negrea, senior director of the Freedom and Prosperity Center, were published in National Review. They argue that, while there is still widespread support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia, President Joe Biden needs to outline a clear strategy for the war in […]

Conflict Security & Defense

In the News

Nov 28, 2022

Essay published in Aspen Romania Institute’s book

The essay, “Freedom and Prosperity in Europe” will be read by top officials at the 2022 NATO Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

Eastern Europe Freedom and Prosperity

Stay engaged

The Freedom and Prosperity Center aims to increase the prosperity of the poor and marginalized in developing countries and to explore the nature of the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both developing and developed nations.