All commentary & analysis

In the News

Sep 13, 2022

Binnendijk for the National Defense University Press on lessons from the civil war and revolutions in naval affairs

By Hans Binnendijk

Binnendijk and Gompert argue that owing to new strategy, new technology, or the vagaries of war, the character of naval warfare and course of naval history undergo rapid, profound, and lasting change.

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia


Aug 31, 2022

Danish defense minister: It’s time for the West to ‘offer sacrifices’ to help secure Ukraine

By Atlantic Council

Minister Bødskov joined the Atlantic Council to discuss how Ukraine’s allies in Europe and the United States should send support next.

Defense Policy Defense Technologies
foreign leaders at the Negev Summit

Event Recap

Aug 24, 2022

“An analogous gold spike”: Harnessing the space industrial base for twenty-first century prosperity

By Delharty Manson

A panel of space experts and report authors discuss with Forward Defense how the US government can work with private companies to expand the United States’ competitive edge in the space domain.

Defense Industry Defense Technologies

In the News

Aug 16, 2022

Guevara in El Heraldo de Mexico: The security implications of China’s aggression towards Taiwan

China Security & Defense

In the News

Aug 11, 2022

Stefanini in Politico: China suspends dialogue with US

By Stefano Stefanini

Stefano Stefanini argues that what is at stake in addressing the China question correctly for the US is not just Taiwan, but the Pacific.

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Aug 11, 2022

Deni in the Wall Street Journal: NATO is Hedging on Its Promise to Protect the Baltics

By John R. Deni

Dr. John Deni and Michael O’Hanlon discuss the importance of enhancing NATO combat power in the Baltic states.

Conflict Eastern Europe

In the News

Aug 8, 2022

Stefanini in Financial Times: Europe’s fight to stay united over war in Ukraine

By Stefano Stefanini

Stefano Stefanini was quoted in a Financial Times article discussing the importance of Europe continuing to put forth a united front against Russia, particularly in light of Mario Draghi’s resignation.

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia

Event Recap

Aug 8, 2022

Why NATO must make gender central to its security thinking

By Alvina Ahmed

On July 15, the Scowcroft Center’s Transatlantic Security Initiative hosted a public conference discussing the importance of incorporating gender perspectives in NATO’s strategies as the alliance looks to implement its new Strategic Concept and defend against malign actors.

Conflict Defense Policy

In the News

Jul 26, 2022

Reynolds in Defence Studies: NATO’s position and role in the Indo-Pacific

By Jeffrey Reynolds

Jeffrey Reynolds coauthored an article in Defence Studies discussing the implications NATO’s role in the Indo-Pacific

China Conflict


Jul 14, 2022

Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren: ‘It’s up to us to leave the world in better shape for future generations’

By Atlantic Council

Minister Ollongren joined the Atlantic Council to discuss how European allies like the Netherlands are adjusting their defense policy to better deter Russia and defend every inch of NATO territory.

Defense Policy Defense Technologies