Shaping the post-COVID-19 world together

Issue briefs and reports

Jul 7, 2020

What world post-COVID-19? Three scenarios

By Mathew Burrows, Peter Engelke

A preliminary look at the geopolitical implications of the pandemic and possible directions for the global system after the still-unfolding crisis.

Coronavirus G20
Learn more
about the series:

Shaping the post-COVID-19 world together
Scenario 1:
Great accelerator downwards
Scenario 2:
China first
Scenario 3:
New Renaissance

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.


In the News

Jun 12, 2024

Roberts quoted in South China Morning Post on China’s visa restrictions

On June 11, IPSI/GCH nonresident senior fellow Dexter Tiff Roberts was quoted in a South China Morning Post article regarding China’s relaxation of visa restrictions, which has attracted tourists back to the country following its COVID-19 lockdown. 

China Civil Society

In the News

Feb 16, 2023

Metzl on Fox News discussing the need to investigate the origins of COVID

On February 10, Scowcroft Strategy Initiative Nonresident Senior Fellow Jamie Metzl appeared on Fox News to discuss the need for a bipartisan 9/11-style commission investigating the origins of the COVID-19 virus. He asserts that the noncompliance of the Chinese governments is cause for worry, and further investigation is the best means to prepare for - or even stop - a future pandemic. Metzl stresses that this is a bipartisan issue that has seen agreement and consensus among members of both sides of the aisle. He also notes the lack of transparency on the part of the NIH in the work they were minimally funding in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

China Coronavirus

Issue Brief

Dec 20, 2022

A next-generation agenda for US-ROK-Japan cooperation

By Lauren D. Gilbert, Kyoko Imai

Trilateral cooperation among the United States, Japan, and South Korea has proved challenging over the years, owing largely to historical tensions. As a result, this project has sought perspectives from next-generation leaders of the three countries to define areas where targeted, flexible, and informal cooperative arrangements can provide clear mutual benefit to all.

Coronavirus East Asia

In the News

Dec 1, 2022

Roberts Discusses China Protests on Complete Intelligence

On November 30, IPSI Senior Fellow Dexter Tiff Roberts appeared on Complete Intelligence to discuss the origins and context of the protests in China. Roberts highlights “the deep economic malaise,” in addition to frustrations over COVID-zero, as key factors that contributed to the protests. Moreover, he remarks on the significance of a sense among young […]

China Civil Society

In the News

Sep 23, 2022

Roberts Reviews China Books

On September 22, IPSI Senior Fellow Dexter Tiff Roberts published, “At stake in the U.S.-China rivalry: The shape of the global political order,” in The Washington Post. This is a book review of three China books: Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism, by Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way; Xi Jinping: The Most […]

China Civil Society

Reality Check

Jul 22, 2022

Reality Check #13: Great-power competition threatens climate disaster response

By Evan Cooper and Alec Evans

Today’s military planners must contend with two potentially conflicting demands: growing requirements for the US military to respond to climate-driven disasters and the effort to restructure the force for great-power competition.

China Climate Change & Climate Action
Man carries a sack of wheat at World Food Program warehouse in Gode

Engagement Reframed

Jun 9, 2022

Engagement Reframed #7: Defending democracy and countering China requires US and Western support for a beleaguered developing world

By Mathew Burrows

The war in Ukraine has become a turning point for developing countries, many of whom could give up the gains made in economic growth and reduction in poverty over the past three decades.

Africa Americas

In the News

Apr 5, 2022

Brooks in the Washington Post on the threat of disease in Ukraine

By Atlantic Council

Max Brooks discusses the threat of disease outbreak and biological warfare in Ukraine.

Conflict Coronavirus

In the News

Apr 5, 2022

Pavel in Vox on bioterrorism threats

By Atlantic Council

Barry Pavel warns that acts of bioterrorism will become more frequent as technology progresses and barriers to entry decrease.

Coronavirus Non-Traditional Threats

Engagement Reframed

Feb 1, 2022

Engagement Reframed #1: Vaccinate the world

By Mathew Burrows, Evan Cooper

The United States can do more to increase vaccination rates around the world, and in doing so help to build a more resilient global health system in which it is a leader.

Africa China