US and allied strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean


Feb 26, 2024

Redefining US strategy with Latin America and the Caribbean for a new era

By Jason Marczak, María Fernanda Bozmoski, Matthew Kroenig

The strategic interest of the United States and the countries of Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) lies in strengthening their western hemisphere partnership. However, the perception of waning US interest and the rise of external influences necessitate the rejuvenation of and renewed focus on this partnership.

Caribbean Economy & Business
The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center present a new series on US and allied strategy in the Western Hemisphere.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Feb 12, 2024

How the United States can counter malign Chinese and Russian influence in the Western Hemisphere 

By Atlantic Council

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center present a new series on US and allied strategy in the Western Hemisphere.

China Economy & Business

Global Foresight series

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jan 17, 2024

Global Foresight 2024

In this year’s Global Foresight edition, our experts identify the top risks and opportunities for 2024. Our foresight team spots “snow leopards” that could have major unexpected impacts in 2024 and beyond. And we share findings from our survey of global strategists and foresight practitioners on how human affairs could unfold over the next decade.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 21, 2022

Global Foresight 2023

In this year’s Global Foresight edition, our experts identify the top risks and opportunities for 2023. Our foresight team spots “snow leopards” that could have major unexpected impacts in 2023 and beyond. And we share findings from our survey of global strategists and foresight practitioners on how human affairs could unfold over the next decade.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 21, 2021

Global Foresight 2022

The inaugural edition of a new annual report from the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, home for the last decade to one of the world’s premier strategic foresight shops.

A maritime blockade of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China


Dec 12, 2023

A maritime blockade of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China: A strategy to defeat fear and coercion

By Marek Jestrab

Marek Jestrab considers a naval blockade of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China and advances recommendations for the United States, Taiwan, and likeminded nations to resist and respond to a blockade.

China Conflict

Global Strategy series

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jun 27, 2023

Global Strategy 2023: Winning the tech race with China

By Peter Engelke, Emily Weinstein

The United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are engaged in a strategic competition surrounding the development of key technologies. Both countries seek to out-compete the other to achieve first-mover advantage in breakthrough technologies, and to be the best country in terms of the commercial scaling of emerging and existing technologies.

China Cybersecurity


Feb 8, 2022

Global Strategy 2022: Thwarting Kremlin aggression today for constructive relations tomorrow

By John E. Herbst, Anders Åslund, David J. Kramer, Alexander Vershbow, and Brian Whitmore

How can the United States and its partners counter the Kremlin’s aggressive policies abroad while laying the groundwork for what could one day be a mutually beneficial relationship with a Russia that respects the rule of law and international norms?

Disinformation Eastern Europe

Global strategy 2021: An allied strategy for China

Working together, likeminded allies and partners can once again advance their interests and values, and the broader rules-based system, and fend off the twenty-first-century challenge posed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Preparing for victory

Military drone operators in eastern Ukraine

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Nov 30, 2022

Preparing for victory: A long-haul strategy to help Ukraine win the war against Russia—and secure the peace

By Stephen J. Hadley, William Taylor, John E. Herbst, Matthew Kroenig, Melinda Haring, and Jeffrey Cimmino

Ukraine’s counteroffensives, backed by expanded and accelerated US and allied support, continue to push Russian forces out of Ukrainian territory, although at a reduced rate. These hard-won successes, however, bring with them possible challenges that also must be addressed. 

Europe & Eurasia Politics & Diplomacy

Seizing the advantage


Dec 22, 2021

Seizing the advantage: A vision for the next US national defense strategy

By Clementine G. Starling-Daniels, Tyson Wetzel, Christian Trotti

In this latest installment of the Atlantic Council Strategy Papers series, Forward Defense’s Clementine Starling, Lt Col Tyson Wetzel, and Christian Trotti articulate their vision and recommendations for the next US National Defense Strategy, including clearer prioritization, investments and divestments, reposturing of US forces, a new warfighting concept, and a focus on transnational threats like hybrid warfare and climate change.

China Defense Industry

The future of security in space

Cover credit: Helen Lundeberg, “The Veil,” 1947, The Macfarlane Collection

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Apr 11, 2021

The future of security in space: A thirty-year US strategy

By Clementine G. Starling, Mark J. Massa, Lt Col Christopher P. Mulder, and Julia T. Siegel

Outer space is rapidly transforming as new actors test new limits. This Atlantic Council Strategy Paper calls for the United States and its allies and partners to secure space over the next three decades or risk wasting the promise of this emerging domain.

China Cybersecurity

The Longer Telegram

Shaping the post-COVID world series

Present at the re-creation

Earlier papers


Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 21, 2021

Global Foresight 2022

The inaugural edition of a new annual report from the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, home for the last decade to one of the world’s premier strategic foresight shops.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 21, 2021

The top twelve risks and opportunities for 2022

By Mathew Burrows, Robert A. Manning

With ongoing vaccination challenges in much of the world and the worrying emergence of the Omicron variant, along with supply bottlenecks plus rising inflation and debt, the pandemic continues to exert its relentless push and pull on a beleaguered world.

Climate Change & Climate Action Conflict
Cover credit: Helen Lundeberg, “The Veil,” 1947, The Macfarlane Collection

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Apr 11, 2021

The future of security in space: A thirty-year US strategy

By Clementine G. Starling, Mark J. Massa, Lt Col Christopher P. Mulder, and Julia T. Siegel

Outer space is rapidly transforming as new actors test new limits. This Atlantic Council Strategy Paper calls for the United States and its allies and partners to secure space over the next three decades or risk wasting the promise of this emerging domain.

China Cybersecurity

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jan 28, 2021

The Longer Telegram: Toward a new American China strategy

By Anonymous

China presents the most important challenge to the United States in the twenty-first century. To address this challenge, the United States urgently needs "an integrated, operational, and bipartisan national strategy."


Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Guidelines for implementation

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

This strategy proposes a clear and comprehensive plan for competition with China. While it is possible to implement this strategy piecemeal, the various elements of the strategy are mutually reinforcing.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Strengths and weaknesses of the principal competitors

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

The development of a good strategy for any competition should begin with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the principal competitors.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Defend likeminded allies and partners and the rules-based system from China and impose costs on China when it violates international standards

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

In addition to strengthening themselves to compete with China, likeminded allies and partners must be prepared to defend themselves and the rules-based international system from threatening Chinese behavior.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Elements of the strategy

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

To achieve the strategy's goals, likeminded allies and partners should follow a three-part strategy for China: Strengthen, Defend, and Engage.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Strategic context: The rules-based international system

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

The post-World War II, rules-based international system, led by likeminded allies and partners, has produced unprecedented levels of peace, prosperity, and freedom, but it is coming under increasing strain. A foremost challenge to the system is the return of great-power competition with revisionist, autocratic states—especially China.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Dec 16, 2020

Engage China from a position of strength to cooperate on shared interests and incorporate China into an adapted rules-based system

By Jeffrey Cimmino, Matthew Kroenig

As they compete, likeminded allies and partners should look for opportunities to collaborate with China on areas of mutual interests.