The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

Atlantic Council Strategy Papers series

Reports and issue briefs

Strategic Insights Memos

Past events

Former Prime Minister of Sweden Carl Bildt and former US National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley join CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS to discuss the Declaration of Principles for Freedom, Prosperity, and Peace.



The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.


Blog Post

Aug 10, 2021

State of the Order: Assessing July 2021

The State of the Order breaks down the month's most important events impacting the democratic world order.

Americas China

New Atlanticist

Jul 30, 2021

How the New Atlantic Charter can save the free world

By Daniel Fried, Ash Jain

To succeed, the Biden administration must bring on board other US allies and establish new institutions to turn these principles into action.

International Norms International Organizations

In the News

Jul 27, 2021

Rothschild in National Interest: Rhetoric divorced from reality: Deciphering Biden’s foreign policy philosophy

By Atlantic Council

Nonresident senior fellow Amanda Rothschild argues that President Biden’s rhetoric has not been matched with effective policy action when it comes to competition between democracies and autocracies, commitment to NATO, and American global leadership. She further argues that an interest-based approach may be more effective than one based solely on values.

NATO Partnerships Politics & Diplomacy

In the News

Jul 27, 2021

Rothschild in The Hill: Biden should reconsider planned reversal of bipartisan US policy on Jerusalem

By Atlantic Council

Nonresident senior fellow Amanda Rothschild argues the United States should establish a consulate in Ramallah, Israel, where the Palestinian Authority is headquartered, instead of Jerusalem to avoid appearing as if the US supports a divided Jerusalem.

Israel Politics & Diplomacy

In the News

Jul 23, 2021

Kroenig and Ashford debate geopolitics and the Olympics

By Atlantic Council

On July 23, Foreign Policy published a biweekly column featuring Scowcroft Center deputy director Matthew Kroenig and New American Engagement Initiative senior fellow Emma Ashford discussing the latest news in international affairs. In this column, they debate Olympic defection, the effectiveness of sanctions over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, democratic backsliding in Tunisia, the prospects for a […]

Belarus China

In the News

Jul 23, 2021

Kroenig and Ashford consider the future of war in outer space and cyber space

By Atlantic Council

On July 23, Foreign Policy published a biweekly column featuring Scowcroft Center deputy director Matthew Kroenig and New American Engagement Initiative senior fellow Emma Ashford discussing the latest news in international affairs. In this column, they discuss the future commercialization and militarization of space, calling for cooperation and international standards to help guide future space exploration and […]

Arms Control China

Issue Brief

Jul 23, 2021

A strategic framework for countering China’s human-rights violations in Xinjiang

By Jeffrey Cimmino

China is engaged in a systematic campaign of repression against predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in northwest China, and its actions call for a coordinated response on the part of the United States and its allies.

China Economic Sanctions

Blog Post

Jul 10, 2021

State of the Order: Assessing June 2021

The State of the Order breaks down the month's most important events impacting the democratic world order.

Belarus China

In the News

Jul 9, 2021

Kroenig and Ashford debate China’s nuclear build-up

By Atlantic Council

On July 9, Foreign Policy published a biweekly column featuring Scowcroft Center deputy director Matthew Kroenig and New American Engagement Initiative senior fellow Emma Ashford discussing the latest news in international affairs. In this column, they debated the future of Chinese nuclear posture and utilization, the Sino-Russian relationship, US-China economic decoupling, and prospects for US action in Haiti […]

Arms Control Caribbean

In the News

Jul 7, 2021

Kroenig speaks at the Nuclear Triad Symposium on modernization

By Atlantic Council

Scowcroft Center Deputy Director Matthew Kroenig presents at the twenty-first Nuclear Triad Symposium.

China Defense Industry