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Exploring five big questions for the administration

NATO 20/2020: Twenty bold ideas to reimagine the Alliance after the 2020 US election

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Research and analysis


Elections 2020

Nov 16, 2020

We must face up to what is happening in the United States of America

By Mathew Burrows

Despite Joe Biden’s victory, the fallout from the 2020 election is posing a mortal threat to American democracy from within. We must not sugarcoat what is happening in our country. Instead, we should face up to it and the responsibility we all bear—whether we are Republicans, Democrats, or Independents—for our present predicament.

Elections Politics & Diplomacy

Energy and the environment



Nov 9, 2020

Netanyahu must adapt to the new Washington

By Carmiel Arbit

The 2020 US presidential election may be the splash of cold water needed to chasten Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Iran Middle East


Nov 8, 2020

Why a Biden presidency is very good news for Ukraine

By Anders Åslund

After Joe Biden’s US presidential election victory was declared, President Zelenskyy was one of the first foreign leaders to congratulate him. He was wise to do so. Ukraine has much to gain from a Biden presidency, as does Zelenskyy personally.

Conflict Democratic Transitions

Fast Thinking

Nov 8, 2020

FAST THINKING: How a President-elect Biden will confront climate change

By Atlantic Council

In their victory speeches this weekend, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris declared that combating climate change will be one of their administration’s top priorities, alongside containing COVID-19, rebuilding the US economy, rooting out systemic racism, and bridging America’s political divides. Let’s zoom in on what’s coming next on climate.

Climate Change & Climate Action Elections

Fast Thinking

Nov 8, 2020

FAST THINKING: How Europe will react to a Biden presidency

By Atlantic Council

While many European leaders may hope for a smoother relationship with President-elect Joe Biden—compared to a rocky four years with President Donald Trump—will both sides of the Atlantic be able to smooth over their differences?

Central Europe Elections


Nov 7, 2020

Nuclear energy policy represents a bipartisan path forward on climate for the Biden Administration

By Jennifer T. Gordon

With former Vice President Joe Biden now the President-elect of the United States, enthusiasm on the left is tempered by the likelihood that Republicans will keep the Senate. However, while the full scope of Democratic policies may not be realized by the next Congress, legislation that encourages the rapid deployment of nuclear energy technology represents an area where Democrats and Republicans can continue to work together—as they have over the last four years—on advancing technologies with the potential to decarbonize power systems at home and abroad.

Energy & Environment Energy Transitions

Fast Thinking

Nov 7, 2020

FAST THINKING: What Biden’s victory means for America’s allies

By Atlantic Council

Joe Biden has amassed enough votes to become the next president of the United States, on a platform that included restoring America’s fraying relationships around the world. Here’s what the countries on the other end of those relationships can expect next.

Elections Politics & Diplomacy

Elections 2020

Nov 7, 2020

Joe Biden just won the presidency: What does that mean for America’s role in the world?

By Atlantic Council

Atlantic Council experts weigh in on what the outcome of the 2020 election means for US foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

Economy & Business Elections

Inflection Points

Nov 6, 2020

Biden’s victory provides an ‘inflection point’ for American democracy

By Frederick Kempe

A Biden victory provides an opportunity for Americans to regain their appetite for compromise at home to tackle the country’s most pressing challenges and for international common cause to safeguard the gains in democracy and prosperity of the past seventy-five years.

Elections United States and Canada

Elections 2020

Nov 6, 2020

America’s commitment to democracy must prevail at home and abroad

By Daniel Fried

To pass the existential test now before us, we Americans must not only hold fast to our best values at home, but also uphold our commitment to reflecting those values as we look abroad.

Elections Politics & Diplomacy

Fast Thinking

Nov 5, 2020

FAST THINKING: The US election’s implications for allies and adversaries

By Atlantic Council

We don’t yet know the winner of the US presidential race—and, with the count so close and the prospect of contested results, we might not for some time, but the world is already drawing lessons from the outcome. So what are the likely takeaways in foreign capitals right now?

Elections Politics & Diplomacy


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