The Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, serves to directly advance the Scowcroft Center’s core mission by developing sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and its allies and partners. Its competencies in long-range foresight and strategy development are vital assets to government and business leaders as they navigate a complex and unpredictable world. Through its work, the initiative strives to revitalize, adapt, and defend a rules-based international system in order to foster peace, prosperity, and freedom for decades to come.

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

Practice areas



The new decade is in rapid flux and is characterized by geopolitical turbulence, economic complexity, technological disruption, demographic shifts and social interconnectedness. In this changing environment, we focus on identifying the key trends and risks which will fundamentally shape the future of humanity and global affairs. Our work encompasses a wide range of issues, from demography and urbanization to migration, power transitions and global governance, but is always driven by the principle that foresight is a key mindset for decision-making.

Technology and innovation

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway. Technological development will fundamentally alter the global geopolitical landscape by changing governance structures, challenging human ingenuity and demanding innovative policy responses. Our team analyzes the political, socioeconomic, ecological, and security implications of emerging technologies, maps the evolution of innovation ecosystems and distills blueprints for entrepreneurship, in the Unites States and globally.


The global power shift towards Asia, the United States’ relative decline and the emergence of transnational threats such as climate change are pulling at the threads of the post-World War II international system. Our team’s research discerns the outline of the dawning multipolar order by exploring power transitions, geopolitical shifts, and civil society movements. At the same time, we seek to challenge the assumptions which have been underpinning US foreign policy for the last 70 years and adapt them for current times.

Non-traditional security challenges

In the 21st century, the definition of security and its global architecture are changing under the pressure of transnational, non-traditional threats such as migration, climate change and inequality, in an unresponsive global governance system. SSI is reframing security policy paradigms by bringing into the fold cutting-edge issues such as environmental security, peacebuilding, resilience and illicit trade, and providing policy solutions for the international community, states and citizens.

What world post-COVID-19? interview series

us navy military what world post-covid 19 kim roberts

Blog Post

Jul 20, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Kim Roberts

By Anca Agachi, Peter Engelke

Dr. Kim Roberts, security studies expert, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed thinking around national security and the US role in the world, and outlines the uncertainties ahead.

China Coronavirus

Blog Post

Jul 29, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Joe Mascaro

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Dr. Joe Mascaro, director of education and research at Planet, discusses the effects of the pandemic on the environment, and its implications for energy transitions and earth sciences research.

Climate Change & Climate Action Coronavirus

Blog Post

Aug 20, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Dr. Conrad Tucker

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Dr. Conrad Tucker, professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, explains how the pandemic is changing the conversations around higher education and emerging technologies.

Coronavirus Education

Blog Post

Sep 3, 2020

What world post COVID-19?: A conversation with Mr. John Raidt

By Peter Engelke, Anca Agachi

Mr. John Raidt, security and public policy expert and practitioner, discusses political dysfunction in the US and the need for democratic renewal in light of the pandemic.

China Civil Society

Democratic Order



The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.


Strategic Insights Memo

Oct 18, 2024

Toward a coherent framework for US-China tech competition in the Global South

By Peter Engelke, Samantha Wong

This memo provides strategists and policymakers in the United States and elsewhere with a coherent framework for understanding the competition between the United States and China for technological dominance with respect to the Global South.

China Technology & Innovation

New Atlanticist

Oct 11, 2024

Senator Mark Warner on the top five risks for the next administration to watch

By Katherine Walla

At an Atlantic Council Front Page event, the senator outlined those risks, ranging from competition with China to the ongoing crisis in Venezuela.

Artificial Intelligence China
Earth view from a balloon in the stratosphere on 19 June 2013. Photo: Patrick Cullis, NOAA / CIRES

Issue Brief

Oct 4, 2024

Accelerating climate intervention research to improve climate security

By Kelly Wanser and Ira Straus

With many experts concerned that efforts to mitigate climate change will be inadequate, what are the potential risks and benefits of solar radiation modification and how can research, international cooperation, and governance be advanced?

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

In the News

Oct 3, 2024

Michta for Le Figaro on the United States’ interest in protecting Europe from authoritarian influence

On September 27, Andrew Michta, director and senior fellow in the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, was quoted in a Le Figaro article titled “It is in America’s vital interest not to let an aggressive power dominate Europe.” He argues that is critical for the United States to support European security architecture to prevent the alliance of […]

China Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Oct 2, 2024

Michta for Atlantic Council on the United States supporting NATO allies meeting and exceeding defense spending levels

On October 1, Andrew Michta, director and senior fellow in the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative published a New Atlanticist piece for the Atlantic Council titled “The US should help NATO allies that help themselves.” It argued that the United States should work more closely with and reward allies that spend more money on defense, shoulder the risk […]

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Oct 1, 2024

Michta in RealClearDefense on rebuilding the United States’ reputation as a global power

On September 27, Andrew Michta, director and senior fellow in the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, published an article in RealClearDefense titled “A Crisis of Competence.” He discussed the Global War on Terror (GWOT) post 9/11 and various conflicts post-Cold War in which the United States has invested resources. He argued that the United States must rebuild […]

Conflict Middle East

New Atlanticist

Oct 1, 2024

The US should help NATO allies that help themselves

By Andrew A. Michta

Washington should prioritize its defense cooperation with member states that are doing the most to bolster their own defenses, especially the Northeast corridor allies.

Defense Industry NATO

New Atlanticist

Sep 26, 2024

The Secret Service needs a budget increase—but so does the rest of the Department of Homeland Security

By Thomas S. Warrick

On Wednesday, Congress passed a bill to increase Secret Service funding in response to threats, after two assassination attempts against Donald Trump. The same logic should apply to the overall DHS budget.

Migration National Security

New Atlanticist

Sep 25, 2024

Solutions to the world’s biggest challenges, according to more than 30 leaders, innovators, and democracy defenders

By Daniel Hojnacki, Katherine Walla

At the Atlantic Council's Global Future Forum, influential and innovative leaders discussed the type of work that needs to be done to address today’s most pressing challenges

Economy & Business Freedom and Prosperity

In the News

Jul 23, 2024

Michta on Sage International podcast on US and allied strategic decisions in the changing geopolitical landscape

On July 22, Andrew Michta, director and senior fellow in the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, recorded a podcast episode for “The Focus: Geopolitics and What It Means to You” for Australian-based Sage International. In the episode, entitled, “End of Illusions: Preparing for a World of Risk and Rivalry,” Michta discusses critical strategic decisions that the United […]

Europe & Eurasia Politics & Diplomacy