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Exploring five big questions for the administration

NATO 20/2020: Twenty bold ideas to reimagine the Alliance after the 2020 US election

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Research and analysis


Elections 2020

Nov 16, 2020

We must face up to what is happening in the United States of America

By Mathew Burrows

Despite Joe Biden’s victory, the fallout from the 2020 election is posing a mortal threat to American democracy from within. We must not sugarcoat what is happening in our country. Instead, we should face up to it and the responsibility we all bear—whether we are Republicans, Democrats, or Independents—for our present predicament.

Elections Politics & Diplomacy

Energy and the environment


Fast Thinking

Dec 2, 2020

FAST THINKING: Iran sends a message

By Atlantic Council

Now we know how Iran will respond to the assassination of its top nuclear scientist: with an ultimatum to the Biden administration. Tehran enacted a law today to immediately ramp up uranium enrichment—and to expel international nuclear inspectors if US sanctions aren’t lifted by early February, right after Joe Biden takes office. What does the move mean?

Elections Iran

Fast Thinking

Dec 2, 2020

FAST THINKING: NATO’s 138-point plan for survival

By Atlantic Council

This week’s summit of NATO foreign ministers featured the release of an internal report on what it can do to stay relevant over the next decade. The study comes as the Alliance aims to recover from the drift of the Trump era and grapple with new challenges from Russia and China.

Elections International Organizations

Fast Thinking

Nov 30, 2020

FAST THINKING: A speed read on Team Bidenomics

By Atlantic Council

Joe Biden has selected a slate of economic advisers that just might please his party while also (mostly) surviving confirmation in a potentially Republican-controlled Senate.

Economy & Business Elections

In-Depth Research & Reports

Nov 30, 2020

Japan’s nuclear reactor fleet: The geopolitical and climate implications of accelerated decommissioning

By Phyllis Yoshida

Atlantic Council Global Energy Center senior fellow Dr. Phyllis Yoshida discusses the unintended consequences of Japan’s decision to decommission part of its nuclear reactor fleet in her new report.

Energy & Environment Geopolitics & Energy Security

In-Depth Research & Reports

Nov 30, 2020

Priorities for a transatlantic China strategy

By Franklin D. Kramer

Franklin D. Kramer lays out six spheres of strategic cooperation between Europe and North America to guide joint foreign policy goals with respect to China.

China Economy & Business


Nov 29, 2020

Which Trump Administration-era policies should the incoming Biden-Harris Administration continue?

By Global Energy Center

Amidst the Trump Administration’s empty talk of “energy dominance,” “freedom gas,” and “the cleanest air, the cleanest water,” the Administration developed a number of good policies that align with President-elect Biden’s climate, energy security, and foreign policy objectives. If the Senate remains in Republican hands, these areas might be some of the best opportunities President-elect Biden has to advance his climate and energy goals.

Energy & Environment United States and Canada


Nov 27, 2020

Biden picks Antony Blinken: Good news for Ukraine?

By Peter Dickinson

As the countdown continues towards President Biden’s inauguration, the Atlantic Council asked experts for their opinions on what the selection of Antony Blinken means for US-Ukrainian ties.

Conflict Politics & Diplomacy

New Atlanticist

Nov 25, 2020

What a Biden presidency means for US-Colombia relations

By Camila Hernandez and Daniel Payares-Montoya

On repeated occasions, President-elect Biden has characterized Colombia as the “keystone” of US foreign policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean, maintaining that, if elected president, restoring the alliance between the United States and Colombia will be among his top foreign policy priorities.

Colombia Corruption

New Atlanticist

Nov 24, 2020

H.R. McMaster to Biden: Don’t let up on competition with China

By David A. Wemer

As Joe Biden develops his strategy toward China, he should be wary of the instinct to abandon competition with Beijing in favor of cooperation. That’s the advice Lt. General H.R. McMaster, former national security advisor to President Donald Trump, hopes the president-elect heeds.

China International Norms

Fast Thinking

Nov 24, 2020

FAST THINKING: John Kerry, America’s first climate czar

By Atlantic Council

It’s one thing to say you take the threat of climate change seriously. It’s another to create a new cabinet-level post for a “climate envoy,” give it to John Kerry, and save him a seat on your National Security Council. That’s the plan Joe Biden laid out this week. What difference will it make?

Climate Change & Climate Action Elections


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Disinformation, foreign interference, cybersecurity

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In-Depth Research & Reports

Jun 11, 2021

The case for a Comprehensive Approach 2.0: How NATO can combat Chinese and Russian political warfare

By Kathleen J. McInnis, Clementine G. Starling-Daniels

Kathleen J. McInnis and Clementine G. Starling outline how NATO’s Comprehensive Approach program can serve as a model to counter political warfare at the strategic level.

Cybersecurity Disinformation
Women in Swiss security

In-Depth Research & Reports

Mar 8, 2021

NATO partnerships for Women, Peace, and Security

By Lisa Aronsson

Lisa A. Aronsson outlines the achievements and the implementation challenges NATO faces, and offers three sets of recommendations for overcoming institutional hurdles, leveraging non-NATO members, and reviving NATO's sense of purpose on the Women, Peace, and Security agenda.

Europe & Eurasia NATO

Fast Thinking

Jan 28, 2021

FAST THINKING: Breaking down Biden’s big climate moves

By Atlantic Council

President Joe Biden came into office promising to make big moves to address climate change. Yesterday he got to work with a bevy of executive orders designed to take some of the new administration’s first major steps. What do they mean?

Climate Change & Climate Action Elections

Fast Thinking

Jan 20, 2021

FAST THINKING: Five big takeaways from Joe Biden’s inaugural address

By Atlantic Council

Joe Biden’s inaugural address was a call for unity—and also resilience. What did the speech signal about where his presidency is headed? Here's key takeaways from five leading experts on international affairs.

Coronavirus Elections

Fast Thinking

Jan 14, 2021

FAST THINKING: Biden’s $1.9 trillion message to Congress

By Atlantic Council

Joe Biden is unveiling a nearly two trillion dollar package aimed at beating back the pandemic and economic crisis. What’s the key thing to know?

Coronavirus Economy & Business

Fast Thinking

Jan 11, 2021

FAST THINKING: A diplomat to lead the CIA

By Atlantic Council

The choice is conventional and unorthodox at once: but Bill Burns has thirty-plus years of experience. Can he make it work?

Elections Politics & Diplomacy

Fast Thinking

Jan 8, 2021

FAST THINKING: What Biden can do with a Democratic Congress

By Atlantic Council

Democrats have control of both Congress and the executive branch for the first time in a decade. That really opens things up for the incoming Biden administration, not least when it comes to its policy agenda on the economy, climate change, and national security. What can we expect?

Elections National Security

Fast Thinking

Dec 8, 2020

FAST THINKING: Biden’s surprise pick for defense secretary

By Atlantic Council

The biggest surprise of the Biden transition so far is here: The president-elect has picked retired general Lloyd Austin as his nominee for secretary of defense. Is he the right person for the job? And what does the historic selection mean?

Defense Industry Defense Policy

Fast Thinking

Dec 7, 2020

FAST THINKING: The next stage of Venezuela’s power struggle

By Atlantic Council

The Trump administration recognized opposition figure Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s interim president and mobilized nations around the world to do the same. But Nicolás Maduro is still in power—and perhaps even more entrenched after winning control this weekend of the National Assembly in an election boycotted by Guaidó and his allies. What does the election mean for the opposition’s future?

Elections Politics & Diplomacy


Dec 3, 2020

How Joe Biden can put US-Turkey relations back on track

By Pinar Dost and Grady Wilson

Turkey and the United States need to work to establish a fresh dialogue, compromise on their outstanding issues, and prepare the way for an active and beneficial partnership in the future.

Elections Politics & Diplomacy